His show this Friday at The Space (thespacelv.com) could turn it all around. Plus, What the Frick is wrong with Paul after visiting the museum. Also, should Matt's kid ever be on the show? (No). Download This Episode 00:00/00:00 Episode 1118: Jimmy That Oyster July 1st, ...
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are the wave of the future (or at least you hope to make a fortune trading the swings), but the new tax law that you’re supposed to calculate your gain and pay taxes on every trade is cramping your style. Well, you could avoid paying taxes if you owned and...
谷歌助手将迎来新功能 无需说“Hey Google”来唤醒 【宅秘新闻】4月24日消息,据外媒报道,科技巨头谷歌正在测试一项新的谷歌助手功能,以用于警报、计时器和呼叫。这项新功能名为Guacamole,目前正在谷歌内部进行测试,该功能可以允许用户使用语音助手而无需说“Hey Google”来唤醒。 谷歌助手将迎来新功能 据悉,Guacamole...
them safely through their addiction might see you giving money you can’t afford, saying yes when that yes will destroy you, lying to protect them, and having your body turn cold with fear from the midnight ring of the phone. You dread seeing them and you need to see them, all at ...
Well but I believe those restaurants in that alley are worth to pay a visit, if you feel adventurous enough, or the chain restaurant is surely just fine. Where: Fried Chicken Alley near Saejeol Station (Line 6) exit 1 cross the bridge, turn right, the alley will be on your left 6....