Someone else once described poetry as the practiced revelation of subjects ordinarily marked for concealment, but no one buys it so why bother sourcing the quote. “It” must be ok for me to steal, I excuse myself. Time and time again I excuse myself. Let’s say for the sake of shaky...
“Hey, Nineteen,” who play the music, note perfect. Just getting the right chords to these songs is like making a politician tell the truth. I’m a drummer who goes to clubs and fades into the walls waiting for the music to end, but I was stunned by this band, and ...
Even the opening chords of the song that plays throughout is reminiscent of Blackbird. One character says “let it be” while playing the harmonica at one point, an episode from Kojak (Paul’s “fuck off, Kojak!” retort to John over the phone) is seen on the living room TV, there i...