Hexing, established in 1992, is a multi-national company offering variety of electrical equipment and relevant solution to global power utilities. With more than two decades of industrial experiences, Hexing is dedicated to develop customized sustainable ecosystem for energy distribution companies including...
Hexing, established in 1992, is a multi-national company offering variety of electrical equipment and relevant solution to global power utilities.With more than... Contact Us Hexing is dedicated to work with utilities across the globe to deliver products, solutions and services to achieve sustainable...
Hexing, established in 1992, is a multi-national company offering variety of electrical equipment and relevant solution to global power utilities. With more than two decades of industrial experiences, Hexing is dedicated to develop customized sustainable ecosystem for energy distribution companies including...
2017.07 海兴电力:2017年第三次临时股东大会决议公告 发布者: 31 2017.07 海兴电力:2017年第三次临时股东大会的法律意见书 发布者: 31 2017.07 海兴电力:2017年第三次临时股东大会会议资料 发布者: 31 2017.07 海兴电力:关于召开2017年第三次临时股东大会的通知 ...
AMI platform is an excellent solution for utilities' daily challenges when the reliability of billing data collection and security of transferring data become another concerns of utility companies. Solution Overview Hexing's AMI (Advance Metering Infrastructure) is a mature smart energy management platform...
Smart three phase direct connected residential meter with modular communication device, designed according to DLMS COSEM open standard protocol. Key Features : 1. Four Quadrants measurement 2. AMI Ready 3. Built-in relay control 4. Demand Monitoring ...
杭州海兴电力科技股份有限公司Hexing Electrical Co., Ltd. 爱企查天眼查 存续 报关画像收发货人 法定代表人:周良璋 注册资本:48868.404万元人民币 统一社会信用代码: 网址:http://www.hxgroup.cn 地址:浙江省杭州市莫干山路1418号(上城工业园区) 简介:一般项目:智能仪器仪表制造;智能仪器仪表销售;输配电及控制设备...
Hexing Electrical Co., Ltd
Hangzhou Hexing Electrical Co., Ltd. Mr. Charles Chen Manager Oversea Department Address: Zhongtian Mansion, #173 Yugu Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Telephone: Zip Code: Fax: Pleasesign into view contact details Account Registered in:
Outage management system (OMS) used in monitoring and reduce the outage duration and help electricity utilities to allocate resources for the system restoration. it can be integrated to (GIS), incorporate with (AMR, AMI) and more from such a comprehensive system. utilities used to face many cha...