Explore Any I Ching Hexagram Click on an I Ching hexagram below to learn more about its individual message and the profound insight it provides for your life, decisions, relationships, or whatever is on your mind!
I Ching Hexagrams - The list of 64 hexagrams and information about all hexagrams from the I Ching Book of Changes.
Explanations and free online reading of I Ching (Yi Jing), the Book of Change, with its over 3,000 years old Chinese hexagrams for divination. By Stefan Stenudd.
Töltsd le ezt az ingyenes, Hexagram Trigram I-Ching témájú illustration fájlt a Pixabay hatalmas, jogdíjmentes képeket, videókat és zenét tartalmazó könyvtárából.
The 64 I Ching Hexagrams: links to all the hexagrams, with their meanings in divination. Get your own free I Ching reading online. By Stefan Stenudd.
Intro The Hexagram The Lines The Hexagram Sequence Correspondences Extra Considerations Rulers of the Hexagrams Early History The Astrological Nature of the Changes The Five Elements Computers and the I Ching Forward and Backward Moving Numbers The Superior Man A Zodiac of 64 Divisions Divination with...
易經I Ching: The Book of ChangesHexagram 36: Míng Yí [Darkening of the Light]繁體 Trad ↔ 简体 SimpEnglish Image 地火明夷 The light has sunk into the earth. 坤上離下 Kūn (The Receptive, Earth) above, Lí (The Clinging, Fire) below. ...
The Yi Jing Hexagrams are a set of 64 symbols that appear in the I Ching (Yi Jing) and which are used for divination.
I Ching Israel Seal of Solomon Tibetan Astrology Working Tools References in periodicals archive ? It indicates the relationship between internal environment and external environment of the hexagram; the former is formed by the first three lines as the inner trigram, and the latter by the top three...
noun In Chinese literature, one of the sixty-four figures formed of six parallel lines (continuous or broken), forming the basis of the I Ching (Yih King), or “Book of Changes.” from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. noun A hollow six-pointed star formed by ...