1. a star-shaped figure formed by extending the sides of a regular hexagon to meet at six points 2. a group of six broken or unbroken lines which may be combined into 64 different patterns, as used in the I Ching Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers...
1 = head, 2 = legs, 3 = arms, 4 = abdomen, 5-6 = body If a character is already bleeding and the condition comes up again, the character bleeds out and dies Armor bonus applies to the endure move Light armor = +2, medium armor = +4, heavy armor = +6 Proficiency: fighter...
fire with Dan, the staggered, should be mixed during the retreat, Rong Yi, beam A trifling. The mountain big livestock belongs to earth Small as high as Dahe Gua, dragon dive. Judge said: large livestock, poly. Vigorous accumulation of probity, fenglong. Juguan food Paul to estab...