必应词典为您提供hexagonal-lattice的释义,un. 六方点阵;六角形栅格; 网络释义: 六角晶格;六方晶格;六角结构;
lattice n. 1.格子框架 2.类似格子框架的设计 ultra lattice 超格 lattice site 点阵点,晶格点 lattice work 晶格构造 space lattice 【医】 空间点阵 lattice building 造建晶格,建造晶格 quasi lattice 似晶格 最新单词 douche can什么意思及同义词 冲洗桶 douche bath unit的中文释义 喷浴器 douch...
hexagonal lattice 英 [heksˈæɡənl ˈlætɪs] 美 [heksˈæɡənl ˈlætɪs]六方(角)晶格(点阵)
1) Hexagonal lattice 六角阵 2) six-corner 六角 1. The experimental research on combusting CWS was carried out in the Maoming Thermal Power Station 410t/hsix-cornertangentially firing boiler. 5%;在此基础上,进行了水煤浆燃烧的数值模拟, 对六角切向布置水煤浆燃烧锅炉热态空气动力场和温度场进行了研...
1) hexagonal lattice 六方晶格 2) Hexagonal structure Ni 六方晶格镍 3) close-packed hexagonal 密排六方晶格(冶) 4) close-packed hexagonal structure 密排六方晶格结构(冶) 5) hexagonal structure 六方 1. The results indicate that the framework of the samples is orderedhexagonal structure. ...
中文:六边形晶格;英文:hexagonal lattice的原理;中文:六边形晶格;英文:hexagonal lattice的定义;中文:六边形晶格;英文:hexagonal lattice是什么。在光子晶体光纤中,包层空气孔呈六角形排列的结构单元。
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HexagonalLattice PCH0x0.PRO: Photonic Crystal with Hexagonal Lattice Periodic structure, Evaluation of the periodic constants for non-rectangular grids, Real eigenvalue search, Photonic crystals, Advanced eigenvalue search function definition, Fictitious excitations for eigenvalue problems, Eigenvalue ...
Hexagonal Lattice PCH0x0.PRO: Photonic Crystal with Hexagonal Lattice Periodic structure, Evaluation of the periodic constants for non-rectangular grids, Real eigenvalue search, Photonic crystals, Advanced eigenvalue search function definition, Fictitious excitations for eigenvalue problems, Eigenvalue ...
lattice n. 1.格子框架 2.类似格子框架的设计 Close 收盘价 close v. [T] 1.关闭;盖上;合上 2.关(商店等);封闭(道路等) 3.(尤指永久性地)关闭(学校、医院等)(+down) 4.结束,结清(帐目);商定(交易) 5.使靠拢,使愈合 jam packed a. 塞得紧紧的,挤得水泄不通的 vacuum packed a. 真空...