ABSOLUTE ARM 87 SERIES The Articulated Arm For Ultimate, Advanced Measurement Accuracy Explore the 87 series Need a Smaller Measurement System for Your Shop Floor? Check out the solution for ultra-high-accuracy touch probe measurement of small-to-medium sized parts:Absolute Arm Compact. ...
Hexagon Hexagon Absolute Arm PCMM Arms说明书 191CHAPTER 4 ■ MEASURING WITH PCMM ARMS H exagon Absolute Arm This Quick-start guide applies to the setup of the Hexagon and Romer Absolute Arms including external and integrated scanners.RDS Installation and Confi guration:Download and install the ...
The flagship of the range, the Absolute Arm 7-Axis delivers tactile probing and laser scanning in a uniquely ergonomic package.
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GridLOK for Absolute Arm is an expanded measurement solution that allows the accuracy and convenience of the Absolute Arm to be applied to larger parts...
Hexagon Absolute Arm The Absolute Arm is designed to make probing and scanning a user-friendly and portable experience. With robust hardware for stability, inspect your parts right on the factory floor or in the field using different scanners and probes, depending on the job. Exceptional Solution...
Absolute Arm 7 Axis The Absolute Arm 7-Axis delivers tactile probing and non-contact scanning in a uniquely ergonomic package. Learn more Product Absolute Arm 6 Axis The Absolute Arm 6-Axis, designed with ease-of-movement and usage as a focus, is a portable measuring arm like no othe...
Absolute Arm 7 Axis The Absolute Arm 7-Axis delivers tactile probing and non-contact scanning in a uniquely ergonomic package. Learn more Product Absolute Arm 6 Axis The Absolute Arm 6-Axis, designed with ease-of-movement and usage as a focus, is a portable measuring arm like no othe...
ARCH製造團隊使用的Hexagon設備包括易於使用的便攜式測量臂(Absolute Arm)和最先進的激光線掃描器(AS1激光掃描儀),即使沒有經驗的用戶也可以將測量結果直接捕獲到相關軟件中。三維激光掃描儀提供指導性工作流程,可幫助用戶實現三維模型的可視化,並指導他們成功覆蓋關鍵特徵和表面測量。與緊密集成的測量軟件配合使用,激光掃...