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For further information, please contact: Tom Hull, Head of Investor Relations, Hexagon AB, +44 7442 678 437,ir@hexagon.com Anton Heikenström, Investor Relations Manager, Hexagon AB, +46 8 601 26 26,ir@hexagon.com
(p.52) and visit the company’s sustainability page . For further information, please contact: Keri Tomsic, Director of Corporate Communications, Hexagon, media@hexagon.com Tom Hull, Head of Investor Relations, Hexagon, ir@hexagon.com Hexagon is the global leader in digital reality ...
Maria Luthström, Head of Sustainability and Investor Relations, Hexagon AB, +46 8 601 26 27, ir@hexagon.com Kristin Christensen, Chief Marketing Officer, Hexagon AB, +1 404 554 0972, media@hexagon.com This is information that Hexagon AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Mark...
Maria Luthström, Head of Sustainability and Investor Relations, Hexagon AB, +46 8 601 26 27,ir@hexagon.com Kristin Christensen, Chief Marketing Officer, Hexagon AB, +1 404 554 0972,media@hexagon.com Media downloads Hexagon is a global leader in sensor, soft...
Maria Luthström, Head of Investor Relations, Hexagon AB, +46 8 601 26 27, ir@hexagon.com Kristin Christensen, Chief Marketing Officer, Hexagon AB, +1 404 554 0972, media@hexagon.com. Hexagon is a global leader in digital solutions that create Autonomous Connected Ecosystems (ACE), a ...
For more information, please contact: Maria Luthstrom, Head of Sustainability and Investor Relations, Hexagon AB, +46 8 601 26 27,ir@hexagon.com Kristin Christensen, Chief Marketing Officer, Hexagon AB, +1 404 554 0972,media@hexagon.com ...
Tom Hull, Head of Investor Relations, +44 (0) 7442 678 437, ir@hexagon.comAnton Heikenström, Investor Relations and Business Analyst, +46 8 601 26 26, ir@hexagon.com This is information that Hexagon AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The ...
Public and Investor Relations Division Inquiries All company or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Information provided in this press release is accurate at time of publication and is subject to change without advance notice.Date: 29 Novembe...
Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has approximately 24,000 employees in 50 countries and net sales of approximately 5.2bn EUR. Learn more athexagon.comand follow us@HexagonAB. All company or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Informati...