7527 C - conversion for color Enter code: Choose a color: Convert Converted :) HEX: RGB: LAB: RAL: RAL Effect: RAL Design: HSL: HSB: CMYK: Websafe: Pantone: NCS: Download conversion data Analogous #d6d2c4 #d0d6c4 #c6d6c4 #c4d6cb #c4d6d5 #c4ccd6 ...
The most advanced color conversion tool on the web - palettes, charts and their conversion data in 11 formats, including: HEX to RGB, RAL Classic, RAL Design Plus, RAL Effect, Pantone, CMYK, HSL, HSB, NCS, WEBSAFE and vice versa.
HEX Color HEX Code: #b8cbc2 HEX Color name: Powder Ash (?) RGB Decimal: 184, 203, 194 RGB Float: 0.722, 0.796, 0.761 CMYK Percentage: 9, 0, 4, 20 HSL: 152,15,76 LAB: 80,-8,2 LRV (?) : 56.68% PANTONE 5585 C by Pantone Compare with Match or compare PANTONE 5585 C c...
#aa8888 to black #aa8888 / #a88 #8b7070 #6e5959 #524343 #372e2e #1f1a1a #000000 / #000 Paints Similar Paints Pantone / PMS ★ 4099 U#ab8a8a ΔE = 0.719 / LRV ≈ 28.7% Dupont ★ CAS796#a98a89 ΔE = 0.99 / LRV ≈ 28.4% Crown Diamond ★ 7204-52 Pink Dusk#a78789 ΔE ...
Color Schemes Download: Complement #5995a8 Analogous #99686a #9c8465 Split #62829f #5da2a4 Triad #6c7095 #679a87 Square #769071 #5995a8 #897190 Tetradic #93956c #5995a8 #6c7095 #9c7565 linear gradient to complementary #5995a8 #9c7565 #957b70 #8d807b #838586 #788b91 #6b909...
… #936467 background The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.Alberto Giacometti … #936467 shadow I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way--things I had no words for.Georgia O'Keeffe … ...
#936666 to black #936666 #795555 #604444 #483434 #312524 #1c1616 #000000 / #000 Paints Similar Paints Pantone / PMS ★ P 51-9 C#956666 ΔE = 0.53 / LRV ≈ 16.9% Colortrend ★ Roseland#926566 ΔE = 0.574 / LRV ≈ 16.4% Rodda Paint ★ Roseland H6#926566 ΔE = 0.574 / LR...
Get dominant color of image Get average color of image Find Pantone colors on an image If you have a logo image, and you would like to find out what Pantone colours are matching to the logo, here is a free online tool for you,find PMS colors on an image, easy to use, no install ...
ColorPantone color chart with soft enamel, silkscreen printing, offset printing by paper sticker or epoxy coating surface. OEMCustomized logos and designs are welcomed AttachmentSafety pin ,butterfly pin ,Sticker, Manget. etc MOQ50...
N 4/ vs PANTONE 424 CMore similar colors Simmilar or marginally close HEX code represents these equivalent colors between various brands and color standards. You can easily see the details (HEX, RGB, CMYK and more) of any listed color, just click the name and navigate to the color's su...