More Games Math Max 4096 Solve Math Math Smashers More Games Hex Battles Game Add to Favorites 1 2 3 4 5 (Rating: 4.4) Take over all of the hex tiles. Complete the campaign mode or play against a friend. Sponsored by:
This gave me a rather cool option. I could cut this into whatever shape and size I wanted, and it had always annoyed me that when printing anything close to the 200mm bed size of the Wanhao I would risk the nozzle falling off the edge. The Wanhao Mk2 heated bed is actually a bit l...
Themain pagecovers thetheoryfor hex grid algorithms and math. Now let’s write a library to handle hex grids. The first thing to think about is what the core concepts will be. Since most of the algorithms work with cube coordinates, I’ll need a data structure for cube coordinates, along...
►IOField ►IOList ►IOMap ►IOmapDistribute ►IOmapDistributePolyMesh ►IOMRFZoneList ►IOobject ►IOobjectList ►IOporosityModelList ►IOPosition ►IOPtrList ►IOstream ►IOstreamOption ►IPstream ►IrreversibleReaction is_contiguous is_contiguous< Barycentric2D< Cmpt > > is_co...
75 zhpmatrix/ 我的博客: 记录编程,论文,想法等其他 19 2022-02-04 76 meethigher/hexo-theme-starry 开源hexo主题-Starry,采用ejs跟less开发,技术限制,目前还有很多优化未实现,学习ing。基于很多大佬开源的插件,感谢! 18 2022-03-21 ...
Rob and I are finding it really cool to dig just below the surface of common things we look at all the time. I have often opened a key file in a text file but never drawn a straight and complete line through decoding, unpacking, decoding, all the way ...
文本编辑器 多语法高亮显示 支持列编辑模式;占用资源少,而且可以自定义编辑语法高亮设置。如果你不喜欢盗版软件,一定要尝试该软件! 此版本为最新版本。 上传者:eggtooth时间:2009-04-19 IORegistyExplorer 黑苹果系统专用,查看系统状态,修改dsdt需要! 上传者:wangkunfeng时间:2014-03-27...
FFiigguurree11..CCooaattiinnggaarrcchhiitteeccttuurreess::((aa))dduuaall--llaayyeerreeddaarrcchhiitteeccttuurree,,DDCC--TTBBCCaanndd ((bb)) ffuunnccttiioonnaallllyy ggrraaddeedd aarrcchhiitteeccttuurree,, FFGG--TTBBCC.. 22..33..LLaasseerrGGllaazziinngg DDCC--TTBBCCaannddFFGG--...