Hex的病毒画像是基于Whitty的第三阶段的壁画制作的。 经过作者的允许,一个名为"Hex TV Head"的角色形象被加入到了ROBLOX里。 Hex是初音未来的忠实粉丝,你可以在Miku的MOD里的观众席上看到他。 经证实,Hex的全名为“Hextravaganza”,这个词语大致是意大利语中的“六边形”。 Hex的右肩膀在他第四阶段上键动作时出...
On Normal, all the computer opponents head towards you, but don't mind fighting each other on the way if they encounter each other. On Hard, all the computer opponents head towards you AND don't like fighting each other at all. (Once in a great while there is a CPU-CPU battle ......
Looking for a roblox account with either hex or diamond headThread Status: Not open for further replies.mocky 1 0 0 Offline Joined: 7/2/20 Posts: 6 Likes Received: 0 My Location: View Make Offer I prefer an account that is unverified but I am willing to negotiate if it is. I...