Here’s the color actually named Off White. Looking at its CMYK specs of 0, 0, 2, 2, we can see it’s a white with a tiny amount of yellow and of black added. The hex code for Off White is #FAF9F6 and its RGB values are 250, 249, 246. Off White Color Swatch Orange White...
If you are designing for a global audience, research color considerations for your specific regions. What are similar colors to off-white? For variations within the same bold spectrum as off-white, consider: White (#FFFFFF) is a brighter, purer shade than off-white. Ivory (#FFFFE3) adds...
Dark orange is a deep, rich version of orange. While it’s not as bright as a standard orange on the color wheel, it retains vibrancy by leaning more red and occupying the deeper end of the RGB color space. Due to its warmth, dark orange conveys a sense of comfort and positivity. Wh...
ghost white #F8F8FF (248,248,255) honeydew #F0FFF0 (240,255,240) ivory #FFFFF0 (255,255,240) azure #F0FFFF (240,255,255) snow #FFFAFA (255,250,250) black #000000 (0,0,0) dim gray / dim grey #696969 (105,105,105) gray / grey #808080 (128,128,128) dark gray / dark...
White = #FFFFFF = RGB(255,255,255) Ivory = #FFFFF0 = RGB(255, 255, 240) Black = #000000 = RGB(0, 0, 0) Gray = #808080 = RGB(128, 128, 128) Silver = #C0C0C0 = RGB(192, 192, 192) Yellow = #FFFF00 = RGB(255, 255, 0) ...
Ivory#fffff0 Baby powder#fefefa Milk#fdfff5 Light yellow#ffffe0 Conditioner#ffffcc / #ffc Color Schemes Download: CIELab CIELCHuv CAM16 JCh Okhsl JzCzHz HSL Monochromatic Colors #3a3b32 #3e3f36 #42433a #46473e #4a4b42 #4e4f46 #52534a Tints and Shades #46473e to white #46473e...
#8b8b83 isn't X11 color, closest X11 color is Gray (#808080), also this color can be known as: Ivory4.RGB red = 139 (55%) green = 139 (55%) blue = 131 (51%) HSL hue = 0.167 (60°) saturation = 0.033 (3%) lightness = 0.529 (53%) CMYK cyan = 0.000 magenta = 0.000 ...
Ivory#fffff0 Color Schemes Download: CIELab CIELCHuv CAM16 JCh Okhsl JzCzHz HSL Monochromatic Colors #555545 #5b5b4b #616151 #676757 #6d6d5d #747363 #7a7a69 Tints and Shades #676757 to white #676757 #7f7f71 #97978b #b0b0a7 #cacac4 #e4e4e1 #ffffff / #fff #676757 to blac...
Ivory#fffff0 Light yellow#ffffe0 Milk#fdfff5 Conditioner#ffffcc / #ffc Very pale yellow#ffffbf Color Schemes Download: CIELab CIELCHuv CAM16 JCh Okhsl JzCzHz HSL Tints and Shades #2d2926 to white #2d2926 #4b4845 #6c6967 #8f8c8a #b3b1b0 #d8d7d7 #ffffff / #fff ...
ivory2#EEEEE0 lightcoral (SVG)#F08080 pyridiumorange#F0A804 khaki (SVG)#F0E68C gray94#F0F0F0 aliceblue (SVG)#F0F8FF honeydew (SVG)#F0FFF0 azure (SVG)#F0FFFF watermelon pulp#F2473F gray95#F2F2F2 grapefruit#F3E88E sandybrown (SVG)#F4A460 soylent yellow#F4F776 cranberry jello#...