Indigo is defined by the following color codes and values to ensure consistency across various digital platforms and devices. HEX code: #560591 RGB value: 33.7% red, 2% green, and 56.9% blue Accessibility considerations play a crucial role in UX and UI design color choices. Figma offers plugin...
gray / grey#808080(128,128,128) dark gray / dark grey#A9A9A9(169,169,169) silver#C0C0C0(192,192,192) light gray / light grey#D3D3D3(211,211,211) gainsboro#DCDCDC(220,220,220) white smoke#F5F5F5(245,245,245) white#FFFFFF(255,255,255)...
sgichartreuse#71C671 indigo tile#72587F deepochre#733D1A rawumber#734A12 gray45#737373 seurat blue#739AC5 old copper#73B1B7 seaweed roll#748269 blue ice#74BBFB lavender field#754C78 gray46#757575 blue fern#759B84 blueberry#75A1D0 chartreuse2#76EE00 aquamarine2#76EEC6 ganegree...
gray5#0D0D0D indigo dye#0D4F8B banker's lamp#0E8C3A diamond blue#0EBFE9 gray6#0F0F0F turquoise#0FDDAF dodgerblue4#104E8B malachite#108070 ultramarine#120A8F gray7#121212 garden hose#138F6A gray8#141414 ulysses butterfly#1464F4 blue velvet#162252 gray9#171717 masters jacket#...
Indigo:#3F00FF Pastel Violet:#D291BC Plum Purple:#583759 Bright Grape: #6F2DA8 Purple Amethyst:#6C2DC7 Purple Iris:#3571BE Best Whites, Blacks, and Other Colors White:#FFFFFF Black:#000000 Grey:#808080 Silver:#C0C0C0 Vanilla:#F3E5AB ...
Let me know in a comment if you need more purple tones. You might also enjoy readingWhat Color is Indigo? Pin the chart below to Pinterest for future reference. You can buy your own printable poster at To find more colors, visit this page of 14color meanings....
Indigo Paints Similar Paints Pantone / PMS ★ 17-5734 TCX / Viridis#00846b ΔE = 0.369 / LRV ≈ 17.6% Coloro ★ 079-47-22#11846a ΔE = 0.73 / LRV ≈ 17.7% Sico ★ 6146-73 Galapagos Green#00856c ΔE = 0.737 / LRV ≈ 17.9% Taubmans ★ Medieval Forest / T10 53C-2#008267...
Color schemes, paints, palettes, combinations, gradients and color space conversions for the #e4e4df hex color code.
Descriptions vary with personal taste and in context with other colors. We label them “indigo”, “jade”, “olive”, “tangerine”, “scarlet” or “cabaret”. What exactly is “electric lime”? Names and precise shades vary — unless you’re a computer. ...
Source File: License.cpp From smefs-Indigo-Remastered with MIT License 6 votes string CLicense::StringToHex( const string input ) { const char* lut = "0123456789ABCDEF"; size_t len = input.length(); string output = ""; output.reserve( 2 * len ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < ...