(About the author: He Weiwen serves as the Executive Director of the China Association of International Trade, Executive Director of China Institute for WTO Studies, expert of TMTPost International Think Tank, and senior researcher of the Globalization Think Tank. Previously he was the Economic and...
贺伟文,1969年出生于宜兴,中青年紫砂陶艺家,师从高级工艺美术师王小龙、高丽君,得其悉心教导,严格要求,壶艺日益精进。2000年创立“勤和轩紫砂陶艺工作室”,作品清秀俊雅,线条流畅,丰润饱满,深受藏家喜爱。 荣誉头衔: 师从高级工艺美术师王小龙、高丽君 扫码手机浏览 ...
最新查询: 胰激肽释放酶 胰激酶 胰炎 胰炎的 胰病 胰病性痨病 胰病性粪 胰痛 胰瘤 胰的 胰石 胰石切除术 胰石病 胰积水 胰管 胰管十二指肠吻合术 胰管囊肿 胰管小肠吻合术 胰管括约肌 胰管空肠吻合术 胰管胆囊吻合术 胰管阻塞 胰纤维性囊肿病 胰组织破坏 胰绞痛 胰缺失 胰网膜结节 胰肉瘤 胰肝综合征...
bhlweiwenhe 20-01-12 08:29 来自Android客户端 支持#梦想MV#,听中国少年为梦想发声,厌恶0112,梦今朝,铸梦未来 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...查看更多 a 557关注 217粉丝 1335微博 微关系 她的关注(557) ...
Institute for WTO Studies, expert of TMTPost International Think Tank, and senior researcher of the Globalization Think Tank. Previously he was the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Consulate General in San Francisco and New York. (Thisis an exclusivearticle contributed byHe WeiwentoTMTPost)...
(About the author: He Weiwen is the Executive Director of China Association of International Trade, Executive Director of China Society for World Trade Organization Studies, expert of TMTPost International Think Tank, and senior researcher of the Center for China & Globalization. Previously he was ...
解释枯鱼:干鱼;涸辙:干的车辙沟。比喻陷入困境。 出处《庄子 外物》:“周昨来,有中道而呼者,周顾视车辙中,有鲋鱼焉。” 例子枯鱼涸辙暂潜踪,大鹏何日天风送。(明 汪廷讷《种玉记 奇术》) 用法作宾语、定语;比喻陷入困境。 感情枯鱼涸辙是贬义词。 繁体枯魚涸轍 近义枯鱼病鹤枯...
合两者为一体。 出处《后汉书·杨震传》:“伏见诏书为阿母兴起津城门内第舍,连里竟街,雕修缮饰,穷极巧伎。”李贤注:“合两坊而为一宅。” 用法作谓语;指两个事物合成一个。 感情合两为一是中性词。 繁体合兩為一 近义合二为一、合而为一 反义一分为二 英语two combining into one...