除了Win10商店,我们也可以从第三方安装HEVC解码器。例如从“free-codecs”网站。 HEVC解码器:free-codecs.com/downloa 这是一个专门提供各种多媒体工具的网站,我们可以从中免费下载到HEVC解码器。选择对应的版本,安装即可,效果和从Win10商店下载的HEVC解码器是一致的。 使用第三方播放器 这是最后的解决办法。如果你...
HEVC Video Extension 2.2.29 Microsoft HEVC Video Extensions enable high-efficiency video playback for Windows 11 and Windows 10, supporting advanced HEVC/H.265 formats. Download the free appx (HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer) without the Microsoft Store to access HEVC codecs, enhance...
HEVC解码器:https://www.free-codecs.com/download/hevc_video_extension.htm 这是一台专门提供各种多媒体工具的网站,我们可以从中免费下载到HEVC解码器。选择对应的版本,安装即可,效果和从Win10商店下载的HEVC解码器是一致的。 使用第三方播放器 这是最后的解决办法。如果你并不执着于使用Win10系统自带的播放器,...
If your friend already had this HEVC Windows 10 extension before, which only started to cost from June 5, 2019, don't worry about the cost as there still is a free version available – only not ranking high among google searches – free HEVC Windows 10 video extension download is available...
鉴于H.265视频的普及,Windows10也开始支持这个解码器。在Windows上安装HEVC编解码器,可打开微软的Microsoft Store,然后下载官方的“ HEVC Video Extensions”程序即可。它的价格仅为0.79英镑/0.99美元,或7元人币,如果您依赖Microsoft的影视播放器应用程序,这是一笔值得的投资。建议大家如果可以正常打开Microsoft Store并且...
Microsoft Community Hub CommunitiesProducts Windows Windows 10 Forum Discussion RonBX1010 Copper ContributorJun 12, 2024 HEVC extension Hello! I recently purchased the Microsoft HEVC extension, but unfortunately, I’m encountering severe video distortion when playing HEVC-format videos. In simpler terms,...
In addition to the HEVC video extension from Microsoft, you can install third-party free HEVC codecs on Windows 11. Media Player Codec Pack Plus is a free HEVC/H.265 codec pack that will work on Microsoft Windows Media Player as well as any other players that are compatible with DirectShow...
以下为Win10LTSC启用HEVC及8K画质选项的步骤: 一、关闭微软应用商店的自动更新 图2 微软应用商店的自动更新 按下win + s ,搜索“编辑组策略”,进入组策略编辑器,选择 本地计算机策略->管理模板->Windows组件->应用商店->关闭自动下载和安装更新,选择“已启用”并确定。
To open HEIC files in Windows 11 and Windows 10, you need to download a set of codecs. The unfortunate reality is that those codecs are not free. Depending on where you are, you may need to pay at least $0.99. Fortunately, that is a single-payment purchase that will later work on...
10-26-2022 10:50 AM Searching for the HEVC Video Extensions in the Microsoft Store results in MS' $0.99 version. Qanatoz' link brings up the free version in a browser. The following will open the store and go to that same free version: ms-windows-store://pdp/?ProductI...