Serum sample obtained in Cantonal Hospital Aarau was subjected to VIDAS® ANTI-HEV IgG and IgM assay (BioMérieux, France). Sample from University Zürich Hospital was assessed using Enzyme ImmunoAssays for the determination of IgG and IgM antibodies to hepatitis E Virus provided by Dia. Pro Di...
HEV RNA was not detectable in 135/144 patients with anti-HEV IgG seropositivity, while 9/144 patients could not be tested due to insufficient sample volume. For HEV-IgM antibodies 29 anti-HEV-IgG positive and 29 anti-HEV-IgG negative AIH patients have been tested, only one of them, an ...
Future studies should be dedicated to comparing the diagnostic performance of the multispecies ELISA kit used with the HEV Wantai anti-HEV IgM assay, which is described as more sensitive. Author Contributions Conceptualization, L.J. and J.P.; Methodology J.P. and A.K., Interpretation of Data...
Furthermore, a critical analysis from 23 independent Bulgarian studies, which combined HEV IgG, IgM and RNA markers from 2257 hospitalized patients with clinical presentation of acute liver injuries, estimated that in the time frame 1995–2018 the overall HEV infection prevalence was 13.1% [9]. ...
participants were non-randomized and from a single center. Another limitation of the study was that we did not examine the placentae of pregnant women who were positive for anti-HEV IgM antibody and HEV RNA. Due to the smaller number of events, a relatively larger sample number would be need...