Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 heterozygous Of a person carrying different genes at the same gene locus in corresponding chromosomes. TheALLELESare different. A singleDOMINANTgene can manifest itself in a heterozygous person. Recessive genes are only manifest ...
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic basis for partial protection against alcoholism in Asians, heterozygous for the variant ALDH2*2 gene allele. It has been well documented that although homozygosity of the variant aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) gene allele, ALDH2*2, in Asians almost fully protect...
A homozygous recessive genotype could be "aa" for seed texture, where the pea plant would express the trait of wrinkled seeds. In short, an organism's phenotype or physical expression of some genes can easily express only the dominant trait as long as there is at least one dominant allele ...
oleracea tested against S-protein antisera it was found that stigmas homozygous for a particular S-allele contained more specific S-protein than those heterozygous for the same S-allele. There was generally twice as much S-protein in the homozygote as in the heterozygote....
A person with blonde hair, however, must be homozygous for the hair color gene, because the blonde hair allele is recessive. This means there need to be two copies of the blonde hair allele for that trait to be expressed. The Greek roothomo- means "same" and the prefixhetero-means "oth...
Example:Thegenefor seed shape in pea plants exists in two forms, one form orallelefor round seed shape(R)and the other for wrinkled seed shape(r). A heterozygous plant would contain the following alleles for seed shape:(Rr). Heterozygous Inheritance ...
It is a heterozygous genotype for a particular gene if there are two different versions of it. For instance, a heterozygous for eye colour corresponds to say that you have one allele for black and one for brown.
A Czechoslovakian teenager with Hb E-β-thalassemia [IVS-I-1 (G → A)] complicated by the presence of an α-globin gene triplication for Czechoslovakian families), heterozygous for the β-thalassemia (thal) allele IVS-I-1 (G → A), and heterozygous for an α-globin gene triplication.....
Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) provides opportunities to generate high-resolution genetic maps at a low genotyping cost, but for highly heterozygous species, missing data and heterozygote undercalling complicate the creation of GBS genetic maps. To overcome these issues, we developed a publicly availabl...
Remember, a chromosome carries genes in linear order; a gene is a segment of code that dictates what trait will develop; and alleles are forms of a gene. For an organism to beheterozygous, it has to have a different allele for the same gene at the same point in the chromosome. ...