1. homogeneous mixture 定义:均匀混合物 英文:homogeneous 英音:[hˌməˈdʒi:niəs]美音:[hˌməˈdʒi:niəs]词性:adj.意思:均匀的;同性质的,同类的;由相同(或同类型)事物(或人)组成的;[数]齐性的,齐次的。例句:Homogeneous and Heterogeneous topologies can ...
homogeneous mixture为均匀混合物,heterogeneous mixture为非均匀混合物,二者的主要区别如下:一、表达事物不同 1、均匀混合物:指不管提取该物质的哪一个部分,它的成分含量比例都是相同的混合物。2、非均匀混合物:是混合物按照一定方式分类后的一类混合物称呼。二、辨别方法不同 1、均匀混合物:通常通...
heterogeneous mixture [核] 不均匀混合物 homogeneous mixture 均匀混合物
homogeneous mixturethe same composition throughout and contains only one phase.-everypart keeps the same properties.heterogeneous mixturenonuniform mixture containing two or more phase with definite boundaries or interfaces between the phasese.g chocolate,gravel,soil 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看...
A homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the components that make up the mixture are uniformly distributed throughout the mixture. On the other hand, a heterogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the components of the mixture are not uniform or have localized regions with different properties...
Air is a homogeneous mixture. However, the Earth's atmosphere as a whole is a heterogeneous mixture. See the clouds? That's evidence the composition is not uniform. Alloys are made when two or more metals are mixed together. They usually are homogeneous mixtures. Examples includebrass, bronze...
generally describes things that are made up of elements that are unalike. Scientifically speaking, ahomogeneousmixture is one in which different parts (such as salt and water) have been uniformly combined into a new substance (salt water), while aheterogeneousmixture has parts that remain separate...
Mixtures can be classified as either heterogeneous or homogeneous. Homogeneous mixtures have a uniform composition throughout its bulk. Heterogeneous mixtures have a non-uniform composition.
In the presence of g-C3N4, methyl orange's degradation rate in the mixture increased by 2300% due to two homogeneous photocatalysis processes sensitized by methylene blue. Homogenous photocatalysis was found to be fast relative to heterogeneous photocatalysis by g-C3N4 but slow relative to ...