Heterogeneous Graph Masked Autoencoders Metapath-based Edge Reconstruction 为了捕获复杂图结构中所涉及的语义,本文设计了基于元路径的边缘重构策略,通过元路径来探索高阶关系,并对复杂图的结构信息进行编码。具体来说,屏蔽基于元路径的边缘会破坏节点之间的短期语义联系,迫使模型去寻找其他地方来预测被屏蔽的关系。因此,...
它的主要作用是降维或者说是特征学习,这种方式允许我们使用数据本身来进行特征提取和训练,而不依赖于人工标签。 在面对许多异构图任务时,尤其是生物医药领域的任务时,获取高质量的标记数据是昂贵且耗时的。 生成式自监督学习(Generative self-supervised learning)与对比式自监督学习(contrastive self-supervised learning)...
View generation can be considered as the augmentation on the graphs. The initial heterogeneous graph, known as the original view, represents the primary heterogeneous structure and semantic information. However, the number of node types in a heterogeneous graph is limited. Consequently, some information...
However, the limiting aspect of these approaches is that they are computationally-intractable graph optimization problems as the cost functions are tailored for each team discovery criteria and they are NP-hard. More recently, researchers have adopted neural architectures, such as autoencoders and ...
d HeteroSGT 将 RWR 序列作为输入,并生成子图表示 h_{S G 3.1 Preliminaries 3.2 News Heterogeneous Graph Construction 新闻 异构图构造 3.3 Dual-attention News Embedding Module 双注意力新闻嵌入模块 3.4 RWR-based Heterogeneous Subgraph Sampling 基于RWR的异构子图采样 c 构建异构图H_G对新闻、实体和主题之间...