hetalia《Hetalia》(中文译名《黑塔利亚》)是一部以国家拟人化为核心的日本漫画及动画作品,通过夸张幽默的叙事风格展现历史事件,并促进跨文化交流理解。其特色在于将各国历史、文化符号转化为性格鲜明的人类角色,以轻松方式引发观众对历史的兴趣。 作品背景与核心设定 原作名为《Axis Powers Hetalia》,...
@animehetaliaさんのツイート ニュース 配信情報 ストーリー キャラクター スタッフ&キャスト 映像商品 CD商品 グッズ情報 スペシャル2018/09/182018年10月6日(土)よりアニメ「ヘタリア The World Twinkle」のフェアがアニメイト5店舗にて開催決定☆ 新規描き起こしイラストを使用したグッ...
Hetalia 暂无介绍 暂无介绍 播放全选 01sitting alone watching the night sky 02much sorrow comes from women who do not honor truth 03I just made a lo-fi track but I’m struggling to find a name for it 04we need a doctor 05spring garden...
Hetalia: World Series: Season 2 45 out of 5 Stars. 4 reviews Samurai 7 Volume 3: From Farm to Fortress Now $12.87 current price Now $12.87 $17.64 Was $17.64 Samurai 7 Volume 3: From Farm to Fortress The Last Kingdom: Season Five (Box Set) [DVD] ...
Buy Hetalia Hugging Body Pillow Cover From Anime Dakimakura Pillow Shop. Characters: Andersen, Christensen, Arnesen. Type: Waifu Pillow, Pillowcase & More. Size: 160cm x 50cm / 150cm x 50cm. Save Up To 50% Off. Free Shipping for eligible orders.
Profile Navigation HETALIA-USA-PROJECT HomeGalleryPostsAbout Join Featured Gallery See All Hetallia - We do not Belong Together by VulcanTrekkie45, literature H Literature Hetallia - We do not Belong Together NEW ENGLAND: That's right America, run to your work, hide behind your administration....
forget what you learned in history class, and imagine all the nations of the world as guys on an inappropriate reality show. pledge allegiance to your favorite superpower in hetalia axis powers! audio: japanese, english sottotitoli: english, deutsch, español (américa latina), français, ...
Hetalia Wiki Hello and welcome to the Hetalia wiki, the place for all things Hetalia! You may find that there are things that are out of date, but don't worry, we are currently trying our best to update and revamp! Additionally, some formatting unfortunately may not work on mobile: at ...
Hetalia English Dub Transcript: WS Episode 34 England: Oh, this is rather upsetting. I guess I can't expect things to go smoothly for me all the time, now can I?Japan: That is very true.Sealand: Hello, Japan!Japan: Ah?Sealand: The Powerful Rangers are so totally awesome! Now, don'...