Explore our attractions, shops and menus before you visit, all inside our interactive virtual tour of HERSHEY’S CHOCOLATE WORLD! Take a peek, then plan a visit.
Happenings at HERSHEY’S CHOCOLATE WORLD Breakfast with the REESTER BUNNY Get your tickets now for our first annual springtime buffet and surprises! March 22 - 23 & 29 - 30; April 5 - 6, 12 - 13 & 19. Photos with the REESTER BUNNY Our new bunny is returning to town to visit ...
hershey chocolate world基本解释 赫氏巧克力世界;赫尔希巧克力世界 分词解释 Hershey[医]Alfred Day美国生物学家,1908年生,因研究病毒的遗传物质和机理,与Max Delbruck和Salvador E. Luria共获1969年医学生理学诺贝尔奖 chocolate巧克力 world世界 hershey chocolate world是什么意思 hershey chocolate world怎么读 hershey ...
Experience HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE WORLD all to yourself! We offer our base building rental (reserved before or after operating hours) along with the opportunity to add additional attractions. From $3,000 Learn More Celebrations & Parties Our event spaces are perfect for baby showers, bridal ...
Unwrap Your Chocolate Adventure Step inside a sweet experience for your senses, where there’s chocolate in the air and dessert is always on the menu. Sip milkshakes, become a chocolatier, be a kid in a candy store ... all at HERSHEY’S CHOCOLATE WORLD Attraction!
🍫 Hershey's Chocolate World 📍 101 Chocolate World Wy, Hershey, PA 17033, United States 🚗 这个地方真的超有趣!虽然看起来不大,但里面其实挺大的。周末自驾来的话,整个户外停车场都会满(有点头疼,因为World的停车场离厂子最近,虽然前3小时免费,但其实都免费)。工作人员最后把我们指到Center那边的...
周末打卡了Hershey‘s chocolate world 超级甜蜜的好时巧克力世界🍫❗️非常有特色很好玩的小镇,很适合周末全家出游 遛娃 约会等等 巧克力脑袋一定要冲📍101 Chocolate World Wy, Hershey, PA 17033巧克力小镇在宾州 距离DC🚗2个半小时左右巧克力世界里面有两个主要部分:室外主题乐园🎢 和室内巧克力工厂🏭。
参观结束后,你还会获得一块巧克力。 💡 小贴士: ❗️ Trolley Tours有多种选择,建议提前预订,以免错过心仪的线路。 ❗️ 避免购买套餐,因为套餐内的食物可能不够。 ❗️ 这里的巧克力价格比平时便宜。 快来Hershey's Chocolate World,享受一场甜蜜的童话之旅吧!🍫🎉 0 0 发表评论 发表 ...
网络释义 1. 好时巧克力世界 第5天好时巧克力世界(Hershey Chocolate World) - 康宁玻璃中心(Corning Glass Center) - 尼亚加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)(约72… www.365bustour.com|基于40个网页 2. 赫氏巧克力世界 ...天 华盛顿(Washington D.C.) -赫氏巧克力世界(Hershey Chocolate World) - 康宁玻璃中心(Croning...
Hershey's Chocolate World on Facebook Hershey's Chocolate World on TikTok Hershey's Chocolate World on Instagram This checkbox when checked enables high contrast mode, which changes the color scheme to provide more contrast between colors on the site.HIGH CONTRASTOFF...