Genital Herpes Knowledge and Its Association with Perceived Risk for Contracting Genital Herpes among Men Who Have Sex with MenWendt, Russell H.Wermuth, Paige PadgettAl Mohajer, MayarTexas Public Health Journal
Date accepted : 06 November 2023 Funding Funded by: KDCA, CrossRef; Categories Subject: Special Article Keywords: genital herpes,herpes simplex virus,human papillomavirus,sexually transmitted infections,warts Data availability: Keywords: genital herpes, herpes...
HERPES simplexAPOPTOSISCELL anatomyDRUG repositioningGenital herpes, primarily caused by herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2), remains a pressing global health concern. Its remarkable ability to intertwine with cellular processes, from harnessing host machinery for replication to subverting antiviral ...
Primary genital herpes was diagnosed in 59% of the patients. About 21% had recurrent genital herpes. The most frequent location of vesicles was at the penis (32%) in males and at the labia minora and majora (21.4%) in females. Nearly a third (32.8%) required two or more courses of ...
Genital herpes treatment market value to increase by 2023GlobalData
Intravenous cidofovir for pseudotumoral genital herpes simplex virus infection in two persons living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)ACYCLOVIRPATIENTReferences 1 Martin GC, Kirgis J, Sid E, et al. Equitable imagery in the preclinical medical school curriculum: findings from one medical school. ...
Atypical genital herpes in a child: a case reportdoi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8468.2023.04.010QIN XiaDENG GuiyanCHENG XianguiWU LingyanJournal of Diagnosis & Therapy on Dermato-venereology
SEXUALLY transmitted diseasesHERPES genitalisVIRUS diseasesMEDICAL personnelWARTSThe Korean Association of Urogenital Tract Infection and Inflammation and the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency regularly update, revise, and develop new content for the Korean sexually transmitted infectio...
Introduction: Genital Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) infection is the most common infection in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients, occurring in 60-90% according to World Health Organisation (WHO) reports. Early detection of HSV-2 infection, the introductio...
HERPES genitalisHERPES simplex virusNUCLEOTIDE sequencingMETAGENOMICSMIXED infectionsDual co-infection with both HSV-1 and HSV-2 is rare, with few cases reported in the literature. In this case report, we describe the successful use of unbiased metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) as...