The Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases and Health Problems (ICD-10) defines the dependence syndrome as being a cluster of physiological, behavioural, and cognitive phenomena in which the use of a substance or a class of substances takes on a much higher priority for a...
Concordance between ICD-10 alcohol and drug use disorder criteria and diagnoses as measured by the AUDADIS-ADR, CIDI and SCAN: results of a cross-national study. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1997;47(3):207-216.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 35. Ustün B, Compton W, Mager D, et al. WHO Study...
Neuropsychopharmacology When heroin-dependent patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria, the history of use of heroin and other illicit substances was assessed with a semi-structured interview according to the ICD-10 research criteria. Subjects reported their years of education (mean ¼ 10.23±2.54 ...
Second subscale contains the diagnostic criteria of substance use disorder according to DSM and ICD. Third subscale includes questions that determine the severity of addiction problems such as education, work, family, economic, legal problems, pattern of substance use and criticism from the family or...
The historical patterns of opiate use show that sources and methods of access greatly influence who is at risk. Today, there is evidence that an enormous increase in the availability of prescription opiates is fuelling a rise in addiction nationally, dra
(3) they had a diagnosis of mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of opioids (F11.3 ICD-10); (4) their urine was found to be negative in drug use in the weekly analytical control for the six months prior to admission; and (5) they were not under treatment with any psycho...