In live-action, Tiana was portrayed by Mekia Cox in the television series Once Upon a Time. To Vote for next month's Hero For Headline, go to Heroes Wiki:HFHPure Good Proposals To vote for the Pure Good Proposals of the day, see: Needs More Votes: Mepad from Inanimate Insanity -...
"Heroes" is the twenty-eighth episode of the The Little Mermaid TV series, originally aired on October 15, 1994. King Triton, and the other residents from Atlantica are very happy to know that their hero Apollo is returning home. 20 years ago during the
1.6 Hyrule Warriors Series 1.6.1 Hyrule Warriors 1.6.2 Age of Calamity 1.7 CD-i Games 2 Other Media 2.1 The Legend of Zelda Manga 2.2 The Legend of Zelda TV Series 2.3 Soul Calibur II 2.4 Mario Kart 2.5 Super Smash Bros. series 2.5.1 Super Smash Bros. 2.5.2 Super Smash Bros. ...
House Umber (TV series only) Type of Hero Bond Protector Osha is a a supporting character in A Song of Ice and Fire and a major character in HBO’s television series, Game of Thrones. She is a wildling spearwife from beyond the Wall, who becomes a captive of Winterfell and later a ...
The first season of Heroes was something genuinely fresh and exciting. Before superhero TV shows were a dime a dozen, Tim Kring’s series felt like huge news for the small screen. It was packed with great characters like Hiro, Sylar, and cheerleader of destiny Claire Bennet. There was a ...
Throughout the TV series, the Sultan played a prominent supporting role, with a few episodes looking at his efforts to form alliances with other nations - including one occasion where he was nearly roped into a marriage to an Amazonian-esque queen, and others looking at his past; one ...
Luffy (2023 TV Series) Quotes[] “ OF COURSE I WILL! „ ~ Luffy to Nami that he will take down Arlong. “ Shut up! LET’S GO!!! „ ~ Luffy to Chopper before leaving Drum Island. “ I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? Fo...
In each of the franchise's three TV series, Stitch grows into a giant at least once per show via some method. In the Lilo & Stitch: The Series episode "Shortstuff", Stitch uses Jumba's Protoplasmic Growth Ray to make himself bigger, but he is considerably clumsier in this larger size...
Linz, Brianne Siddall, Shaun Fleming (who also voiced Max Goof), and Harrison Chad as his younger self. In the TV series, he was voiced by Michael T. Weiss. His yells in the original movies are ironically performed by Clayton's voice actor Brian Blessed. ...
TV Series Novels Full Name Jory Cassel Alias(es) No information Origin A Song of Ice and Fire Occupation Captain of House Stark's guards (formerly) Captain of Eddard Stark's household guards at court Powers / Skills Swordsmanship RidingJousting Hobby Drinking and sparring with his friends...