英文原版 风暴英雄:角色笔记本 Heroes of the Storm: Character Notebook 暴雪 图书周边 进口正版 作者:Blizzard Entertainment出版社:Blizzard Entertainment出版时间:2019年06月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥88.00 配送至 广东深圳市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中图深圳进口图书音像旗舰店”发货,并提供...
Heroes of the Storm has been one of the powerhouses of the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) scene. Now on its 5th year, the game manages to stay fresh thanks to constantly hefty gameplay and balance tweaks, and their colorful cast of 90 heroes. It’s these heroes we’ll be focusi...
And his basic attack HITS HARD, which allows for some hilarious kill-steals sometimes; such a huge bitchslap that even the sound effect is satisfying. And Massive Shove is so damn fun to use. I have a feeling that Blizzard will squash this character with the nerf hammer really hard, ...
Chromieis a character from the Video GameHeroes of the Storm. They have been indexed as女性 成人 with 綠色 eyes and 金发 hair that is 齐耳 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别女性 眼睛的颜色綠色 头发颜色金发 头发长度齐耳 Apparent Age成人 ...
Get hooked on a hearty helping of heroes and villains from the humble House of Ideas! Featured Characters Magneto Character Spotlight Comics Blade's Powers, Explained Comics Meet the X-Cutioner, an Anti-Mutant Crusader Comics Hawkeye & Black Widow's Greatest Team-Ups ...
In this section you will find Kel'thuzad's abilities. A full list of talents will be added once it is available. Trait Master of the Cold Dark Quest: Gain 1 Blight every time a Hero is Rooted by Frost Nova or hit by Chains of Kel'thuzad. Reward: After gaining 15 Blight, the ...
If you want to know all about the best characters to use in Heroes of Crown, then you’ve come to the right place! Our Heroes of Crown tier list will give you all the details you need to pick the top heroes and build a powerful team to help you progress through the game. ...
An anti-hero is defined as a leading character in a story who lacks traditional heroic qualities such as idealism, courage, nobility, fortitude, moral goodness, and altruism. Where the classical hero is larger than life, an anti-hero is typically inferior to the reader in ways of intell...
An anti-hero is defined as a leading character in a story who lacks traditional heroic qualities such as idealism, courage, nobility, fortitude, moral goodness, and altruism. Where the classical hero is larger than life, an anti-hero is typically inferior to the reader in ways of intelligence...
Heroes of the Storm brings various heroes from the universes of Blizzard's other game franchises (primarily Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, and Overwatch) into five-on-five combat as they gain new abilities, destroy fortifications, contest map objectives, and stem the tides of AI-controlled creeps...