Sabaton最新EP “Heroes Of The Great War”即将在1月20日发布!本张EP向一战中最勇敢的英雄们致敬,其中包含全新歌曲"The First Soldier"。这首歌曲是关于来自法国的Albert Severin Roche的,尽管他的能力受到周围人的怀疑,但在第一次世界大战结束时,他为法国军队作战,
打开 Heroes of the Great War 来自:Sabaton 无 收藏 共7首歌 The First SoldierSabaton A Ghost in the TrenchesSabaton Lady of the DarkSabaton Last Dying BreathSabaton The Unkillable SoldierSabaton Seven Pillars of WisdomSabaton 82nd All the WaySabaton 没有更多内容了...
Hearts Of Iron 喜欢听"Heroes"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· The Last Stand 8.2 Carolus Rex 8.8 Coat of Arms 8.0 The Art of War 8.6 Art of War 8.2 The Light That Shines 8.3 The Great War 7.4 Wolves of Karelia 7.6 Skeleton 7.1 The Fallen King 7.3 我来说两句 短评· ···...
Sabaton 金属 · 2014年 试听 歌曲 时长 1 Night Witches 3:01 2 No Bullets Fly 3:37 3 Smoking Snakes 3:14 4 Inmate 4859 4:26 5 To Hell and Back 3:26 6 The Ballad of Bull 3:53 7 Resist and Bite 3:27 8 Soldier of 3 Armies ...
SABATON’s bass player Pär Sundström commented about the performance:“This is one of those moments we are happy that we sing about history and not fiction. It’s absolutely fantastic to see that our music being performed like this!“ Most people have heard of the expression“when pigs ...