The Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan StoreSelectAmazonBarnes & NobleBooks-A-MillionGoogle PlayiBooksIndieBoundIndigoKobo Available Formatsebook & print Buy Now Jason has no clue who he is. Piper has a terrible secret. Leo has a way with tools. As the adventures of this new group of heroe...
Ben McIntyre is an excellent historian whose books are very readable and well documented。 His detailed research ensures his narrative arc covers all the relevant episodes in a fascinating story of wartime derring-do。 Needs must in wartime and so a commando force is created on the hoof by a...
Then, one after the other, the gods and goddesses of Olympus came to her; none were able to make her cease from grieving for Persephone, or to go again into the company of the immortal gods. And so it came about that Zeus was compelled to send a messenger down to the Underworld to ...