Step into a magical, 3D fantasy world filled with hundreds of unique locales, immersive lore, and exciting quests - all for free. Explore the sandy shores of Tr…
This is one of the most addicting games I've ever played. Let's start by addressing the obvious "flaws". Yes, it looks like a PS1 game. And that's exactly how I like it. I don't know why, but in the context of the world the game shows you, which is based on a Dragon Ball...
Because this series has grown leaps and bounds over the years, becoming significantly more in depth with each new entry, newcomers to the Trails series might find themselves unsure of where to start. What’s this “Cold Steel? Is it related to Trails in the Sky and Trails in ...
You are Sarge, a Sergeant in the Green Army and fights evil General Plastro and the members of the Tan Army. Post articleRSSRelated Articles Army Men Sarge's Heroes HD Audio Released! Apr 24 2013Army Men Sarge's Heroes HD1 comment
Step into a magical, 3D fantasy world filled with hundreds of unique locales, immersive lore, and exciting quests - all for free. Explore the sandy shores of Tr…