《魔法門之英雄無敵II:王位爭奪戰》(英語:Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars,通稱英雄無敵2,英文縮寫HoMM2)是一款由New World Computing 製作,由3DO公司於1996年發行的一款回合制策略遊戲。它是《魔法門之英雄無敵》 系列遊戲的第二代作品。
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each with its own set of buildings and creatures, Heroes of Might and Magic®5 provides gamers with the strategy and detailed graphics that the series has been known for. As you progress through the game your character gains levels of experience that allow him to learn new spells and abilit...
游戏名称:魔法门之英雄无敌2 英文名称:Heroes of Might and Magic 2 游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏 游...
October 2, 2009Verified owner Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is a game that caters to nearly any audience: I liked it as a middle-school student and I still like it after finishing graduate school. My girlfriend likes it. My dad likes it. Heck, even my mom likes it. It is extremely ...
笔记本新装了Win10 x64,顺便测试了一下几个常玩的老游戏,结果homm2挂了。他山之玉可以攻石,去GOG的homm论坛挖了好久,经过摸索找到了解决方案。感谢网友moranms!论坛地址:https://www.gog.com/forum/heroes_of_might_and_magic_series/heroes_of_might_and_magic_2_gold_windows_version_available_as_an_extr...
fheroes2运行需要原游戏文件,正版可从GOG平台购买。//www.gog.com/game/heroes_of_might_and_magic_2_gold_edition游戏介绍《Heroes of Might and Magic II(魔法门之英雄无敌II)》是由New World Computing开发3DO发行的知名策略游戏哦魔法门之英雄无敌系列第二部正作。值得注意,魔法门之英雄无敌II除正篇《Heroes...
3DMGAME-He..链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQYDDHs8PDMbeD4H1cFkJw 提取码: xkz6游戏名称:《魔法门之英雄无敌2》GOG版英文硬盘版大小:355MB
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POL_Shortcut_Document"$SHORTCUT_NAME""$GOGROOT/Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete/Heroes3_Manual.pdf" # C:\GOG Games\Heroes of Might and Magic 3\Heroes3_AB_Manual.pdf # C:\GOG Games\Heroes of Might and Magic 3\Heroes3_SoD_Manual.pdf ...