Ninja Heroes: Storm Battle is a new mobile RPG for the iOS and Android platforms based off of the Naruto franchise. This game features all of your favorite heroes and villains, loads of different modes where you compete against the computer and against other players, and plenty of rewards, p...
Immerse yourself in this role-playing RPG where magic, quests, wizards, warriors, villains, and beasties await. EXPLORE A FANTASY WORLD Embark on an adventure into a mesmerizing fantasy realm filled with magic and quests. Encounter a variety of challenges including facing villains disguised as ...
The male villains extend their bodies, the Sandman most obviously, but the Trapster projects a force field, and the Wizard’s helmet is elongated, which Kirby further foreshortens by placing him in the foreground. Medusa’s hair, which extends beyond to top page, expands her physicality too. ...
That is where my most significant problem with this DLC lies. I have no idea what will be kept, if these events will be mentioned next game, or if the new villains will have any relevance. You can wall run in this because of Yuffie. Will I be able to do that next game? I lik...
and development as heroes. Not to spoil anything, but it is nice to see some characters using not only their signature moves from the series but new abilities as well. It makes for a nice variety and an interesting bag of tricks, as it were, when taking on the villains of the movie....
He’s one of the most iconic Warcraft villains and deserves a spot in the Nexus. Class:Ranged Assassin Trait:The Defiler – When Archimonde kills an enemy minion or hero they are completely eradicated in a violent explosion, dealing X amount of damage in a small area. (This effect is only...
Origin: Private investigator and sportsman Speed Savage secretly donned a costume and sought greater thrills fighting crime and Axis villains as the White Mask. Powers: This hero was in peak human condition and was a master of all methods of unarmed combat. In addition, the White Mask was incr...
and I like playing with them. The assortment of characters powers versus whatever villains you pull up can change how the game is played and add in some nice variety. The game still can come down to dice rolls and as usual, the dice giveth and the dice taketh. Our first play in...
LEGO Marvel tells the story of Doctor Doom trying to create a Doom Ray of Doom to use on the world and its heroes. Now, it’s up to the likes of Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wolverine and many others to band together and stop Doom and other super villains from taking over...
Feral Interactive has shipped Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 on macOS. The port of the Warner Bros and TT Games sequel puts fan-favourite super heroes and super villains against each other in a brand new adventure, fighting across the time-tossed city of Chronopolis. ...