Home of the heroes and villains Once at night catillian squared the fight And she was right in the rain of the bullets that eventually Brought her down But she's still dancingin the night Unafraid or what a dude'll do in a town full of heroes and villains Heroes and villains...
Home of the heroes and villains英雄和坏人的家园 Once at night catillian squared the fight有一次晚上卡提利安与我争吵 And she was right in the rain of the bullets that eventually她就在枪林弹雨中 Brought her down让她心灰意冷 But she's still dancingin the night可她依然在夜里起舞 Unaf...
Home of the heroes and villains Once at night Catillian squared the fight And she was right in the rain of the bullets That eventually brought her down But she's still dancing in the night unafraid Of what a dude'll do in a Town full of heroes and villains Heroes and villa...
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Heroes and Villains 50 Big Ones: Greatest Hits The Beach Boys 1967年7月24日试听 歌词 I've been in this town so long that back in the city I've been taken for lost and gone 登录以查看完整歌词 出演艺人 Brian Wilson 伴唱、 主唱、 管风琴、 和声、 打击乐、 羽管键琴、 预制钢琴 Al ...
听Heroes and Villains (Suspicious Remix) by AAP Featuring U-Foe跟踪或浏览更多εναλλακτικό χιπχοπ音频。✓ 免版税音乐下载 ✓ 浏览数千个音频
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