Welcome back to another guide of Hero Wars! Unlike what we’ve written thus far, this guide isn’t your average guide that talks about how to get a beginner running on their feet; this is a guide on how to keep your Heroes nice and powerful by earning a variety...
Building a good team in Hero Wars always revolves around having hero(es) to tank, some damage dealers and support heroes, ideally able to heal up everything tanking and keeping everyone alive. Below you will see a list of all heroes that will take you to a guide that shows you which he...
“Critical Damage” team – Jet, Jhu, Nebula, Sebastian, Galahad All of these heroes have high damage output and critical damage. This is another team full of straight damage. The output of DPS you will have when using this team combination is tremendous but relies heavily on eliminating enem...
The rest of his kit involves him dealing more damage, as well as recovering health after his ult has been activated. Sadly, this only makes Jhu purposeful in a Hydra fight rather than a fight in the campaign or against other players. ...
本吧热帖: 1-活动任务分享帖 2-有没有号可以接手 3-求解答……… 4-群这里手机版有交流群吗?? 5-转贴:升级一个英雄需要多少资源?【herowars手机版吧】_百度贴吧 6-4倍充值是怎么冲的 7-Discord 8-总战力266万;三套队伍134W战力 ;每天满任务,求华人黄金公会 9-这是我目
unpoliced space of the Spirit Wilds. Once they cross through the portal, they are free to explicitly express their feelings for one another and they confirm their budding sexual attraction by kissing and dating inside the first few animated panels of graphic novel continuation inTurf Wars(Di...
本吧热帖: 1-英雄技能 2-Hero wars 的物价系统 3-Hero Counter 每个英雄的最佳对抗英雄 4-MicahFett's Beginner's Guide to Hero Wars(入门指南) 5-活动任务分享贴 6-活动任务分享帖 7-求解答……… 8-群这里手机版有交流群吗?? 9-转贴:升级一个英雄需要多少资源?【hero
本吧热帖: 1-英雄技能 2-Hero wars 的物价系统 3-Hero Counter 每个英雄的最佳对抗英雄 4-MicahFett's Beginner's Guide to Hero Wars(入门指南) 5-活动任务分享贴 6-活动任务分享帖 7-求解答……… 8-群这里手机版有交流群吗?? 9-转贴:升级一个英雄需要多少资源?【hero