For either Arena mode, we recommend having Astaroth as a tank because of his Violet Skill which is the only skill in the game that can revive fallen ally Heroes. You may also pick the likes of Dorian or Martha to stand in as healers if you find it difficult worki...
The twins team that can’t be missed here as they are still after so many years working so incredibly well in Hero Wars. Combined with Martha who heals a ton and Astaroth who can take care of your team. This is the setup that you most-frequently encounter for a reason. Here are the...
Notes:Despite being one of the game’s starter heroes, Astaroth is a valued hero all throughout the game. His Violet skill, Last Word, resurrects any ally who falls first. This will most likely happen to the main damage dealer of the team as they’re often the target of the enemy. T...
counter思路:对面没有抽魂女的局,我方用奥罗拉还是很爽的,开大速度又快又效率,给队伍打躲闪buff实用。花女聚怪+刷debuff,清对方塞巴免控15次一下就没了,跳跳女主强控,剩下的交给抽魂女击杀。注意的地方是花女不能太脆 分享8220 herowars吧 ⌒⊙﹏⊙⌒ 下次活动投票大家一定要呼吁一下 都投给次热门的那些...
Hero Wars Helper】,这个可以全天挂机、自动日常、自动消耗能量突袭指定关卡。一个账号下的服务器小号都可以用,想玩多个小号也不怕时间不够了,可以每个服务器手动点击日常任务。我玩了3天,只要电脑不关机,可以一直挂着。现在好像还可以免费用几天。有感兴趣的可以试试。 http://hero-wars.game-helper.top/ 分享...
There's no such thing as 'best team' in Hero Wars. This game is based on heroes and team comps countering each other. It's like a puzzle that you need to solve. Every server has a different 'meta' team than others. The top players always build their teams so they can counter the...
Astaroth 8 0.12741% Kai 5 0.76444% Kai 6 0.89184% Kai 7 0.63703% Kai 8 0.12741% Phobos 5 0.76444% Phobos 6 0.89184% Phobos 7 0.63703% Phobos 8 0.12741% Thea 5 0.76444% Thea 6 0.89184% Thea 7 0.63703% Thea 8 0.12741% Daredevil 5 0.76444% Daredevil 6 0.89184% Daredevil 7 0.63703% ...