游戏王Master Duel 26赛季英雄Vs主流卡组 Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel HERO Master 1META SEASON 26 7021 5 11:25 App 游戏王 古时代机械齿轮再次补强 齿轮圣女投入 Deck Ancient Gear Post Animation Chronicle 2024 EDOPRO 1.4万 63 22:04 App 游戏王master duel DC杯 19连胜英雄卡组 Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel -...
流游戏王master duel 英雄火焰翼人VS饼图主流ter HEROES ARE BACK!! Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - 1216 -- 16:35 App 游戏王master duel 十二兽我我我卡组思路分享 Deck World Chalice Mjollnir Lockdown EDOPRO 2723 5 16:33 App 游戏王master duel 征服斗魂卡组 STAKE YOUR SOUL!! READY!! NEW VANQUISH...
Toggle Master Duel View Main Deck (44 Card Deck) Extra Deck Deck Breakdown YouTube Video Other Decks on Non-Meta Decks $8.42 630450 fire king x cyberdarkgood the guy200 - 1 week ago 1020 Non-Meta Decks $239.61 420810 ...
Deck Primer So I've decided to start making HERO decks. Currently, I have this one and an Evil HERO. I'm not the most experienced with these so let me know which of these you want and any suggestions for them. Toggle Master Duel View Main Deck (40 Card Deck) Extra Deck Deck...
Préparez-vous à affronter des duellistes du monde entier. Qu'importe votre niveau, des tutoriels en jeu vous permettront d'apprendre les rudiments nécessaires à votre aventure Yu-Gi-Oh! Ajoutez de nouvelles cartes ...
Aster accuses Jaden publicly of copying his game, though not citing him, and proves himself as the better by challenging him into a duel - once again, but this time with a surprising deck. Director Hatsuki Tsuji Writers Masahiro Hikokubo (duel composition) | Kazuki Takahashi (creator) | ...
第14回鹰の目杯Double Deck Duel 1位A 到来英雄【其实应归类为HB】怪兽103 卡片汽车 D1 元素英雄 天空侠2 元素英雄 水泡侠1 光子斩击者3 元素英雄 次新宇侠魔法202 E 紧急呼唤1 大风暴2 强欲而谦虚之壶1 死者苏生1 増援1 英雄到来1 黑洞3 奇迹融合3 旋风2 超融合3 二重电光陷阱102 激流葬1 沙尘之...
GX manga. Jaden started using this archetype after the tournament to Duel the Kaiser, when he decided to build an "all-his Deck", which would eventually grow into his ultimate Deck (since the "Elemental HERO" monsters he used previously were from Koyo Hibiki's Deck). ...
up against The Man. It’s possible to make the villain so strong that even a whole team of good guys can’t easily defeat them, but this approach creates its own problems. How did a single bad guy get that powerful, and what happens when they inevitably face the hero in a 1v1 duel...
Elemental HERO Nova Master: 1 Elemental HERO monster + 1 FIRE monster Must be Fusion Summoned. If this card destroys an opp