The first doctor correctly diagnosed a problem and you had corrective surgery. 4 years later you had pain so had it checked again. What happened in the mean time? Was everything OK? You'll probably find some lawyer to take the case. I don't think you have one. There was a problem ...
But, most of patients decide for surgery to repair inguinal hernias and avoid the possibility of a strangulated hernia. Reply Guestover a year ago when a hernia is repaired, and comes back several years later, what is the procedure? Is it the same type surgery or something differant?
To overcome these problems, a completely new generation of so-called remodelling biological scaffolds from human or animal origin or even new synthetic constructs have been promoted in recent years. Despite the fact that these materials might be useful in certain conditions, the evidence from high-...
A hiatus hernia is when part of your stomach moves up into your chest. It’s very common if you’re over 50 and does not normally need treatment if it’s not causing you problems. Anyone can present with an hiatus hernia but it is more common in men and has a strong association with...
surgeon's office. and try and speak to her/him. If you can't reach them, then go to the emergency department of the hospital where you had the surgery done (NOT an urgent care or a different hospital) and let the emergency department physician evaluate your post-operative problems and ...
This Medicare database review tracks the long-term incidence of operative hernia recurrence up to 10 years after surgery among older US adults.
I had a double hernia operation around 10/11 years ago, 3 on one side and 2 on the other and well bellow the belly button, closer to the crown jewels and though it fixed the problems and pain I have one gonad twice the size of the other (sorry to be graphic) and I learnt to no...
problems and may seriously affect quality of life (QoL). Patients need to adhere to a different lifestyle when having a stoma. Around 0.45% of the population in the western world lives with a stoma, of which 60% are permanent [3]. The most common type of stoma is a colostomy (> ...
My mom had undergone a gallbladder operation and Dr Deepraj Bhandarkar did the surgery. My mother is 72 years old and she was a bit nervous about this surgery as one would imagine. Dr Deepraj personally gave my mom a lot of comfort and confidence per as well as post surgery. His team...
surgery. Surgery, if needed during pregnancy should be deferred for as long as possible because of the inherent risks to the baby, preferably into the third trimester. After birth, umbilical hernias tend to reduce considerably and need not necessarily be repaired as they cause few symptoms. ...