A hiatus hernia is when part of your stomach moves up into your chest. It’s very common if you’re over 50 and does not normally need treatment if it’s not causing you problems. Anyone can present with an hiatus hernia but it is more common in men and has a strong association with...
Inguinal hernia is thought to be common in rural Ghana, though no recent data exist on hernia prevalence in the country. This information is needed to guide policy and increase access to safe hernia repair in Ghana and other low-resource settings.Adult men randomly selected from the Barekese ...
Symptoms of inguinial hernia are: pain, nausea, vomiting, inability to have a bowel movement, and a bulge that remains even when lying down. Also sometimes there are no symptoms, like pain. Men, however, do experience heaviness around the scrotum. ...
The symptoms between a hernia and a groin pull are very similar1.A hernia is usually accompanied with pain in the abdominal region and the groin.Men may also experience testicular pain. Some people have increased symptoms when sneezing and coughing. Bending over may also cause increased pain to...
Material and Methods The study included 120 men, aged 65 to 75 years. They were separated in three groups of 40 patients according the type of operation: radical prostatectomy, radical prostatectomy+lymph node dissection and open prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia, respectively. ...
An indirect groin hernia affects men (and only men). Groin hernias are caused by a congenital defect and they may appear after exercising. If the lump is large, you should see it. Sometimes hernia can be pushed back, in that case you will have to wear a truss (supportive garment). ...
Have certain conditions (such as cystic fibrosis, connective tissue disorders, hip dysplasia, and some urinary or reproductive tract problems) Have undescended testicles (in people who are assigned male at birth) Types of Hernias The most commontypes of herniasare inguinal (inner groin), femoral ...
straining to have a bowel movement or urinate, or from trauma to the abdomen. Pregnancy or excess abdominal weight and girth are also factors that can lead to a hernia. In many cases, a hernia is no more than a painless swelling that presents no problems and needs no immediate medical at...
If you don’t treat an inguinal hernia, it could lead to problems such as: Pressure and pain that spreads: Most inguinal hernias get larger over time if you don’t fix them with surgery. In men, large hernias can bulge down into the scrotum, causing swelling and pain. Incarcerated hernia...
disease in asthmatics.•Hiatalherniawas the only statistically significant predictor of oesophageal mucosal status.•Hiatusherniawas absent in only one of the nine patients with Barrett's oesophagus.•Hiatusherniawas present in 33 patients.•Men get more ulcers,hernias, and back problems. ...