There have been multiple vanilla and modded series and the server is currently on its tenth vanilla season. Its members, called Hermits, are popular Minecraft players who have been recognized by other Hermits and have been invited to join....
Season Season 9 Location The Empires Season 2-Server People Involved Creator The Hermits Hermitopiais a structure built by all of the Hermits who went throughThe Riftand traveled into the Empires Season 2 server. Hermitopia is located opposite of the currently broken rift.GoodTimesWithScarmisread...
Xisumavoid, also known as Xisuma or X for short, is a YouTuber who joined Hermitcraft in Season 1. He is also the current Admin of the Hermitcraft server since Generikb left. He has three other channels, xisumasays, xisumatwo, and xisumamusic and has amassed 1,840,000 subscribers.[1]...