Hello! It saddens me to say that my wife and I are looking for someone to adopt our hermit crab Olive. She is the size of a ping pong ball. We've cared for her for around 9 months. She has molted only once and she is a great digger and climber. She enjoys salt water baths. ...
Hermit crabs are naturally playful creatures, but you cannot play with them in the same way as you might play with a kitten. Instead, make sure that your hermit crab has everything it needs to thrive and encourage it to explore and play on...
7 PPs in a 29 Gallon Crabitat + 1 Golden Retriever - Ginger In memory of Snowy (In my profile pic) Top Topic author SunnyKrab Founding Member Posts: 563 Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:50 am Location: Stratford Connecticut...Home of DELMAteerIII- CT Re: When is Your Birthday??......