Mercury [Hermes] is thought to have placed it above the head of Aries (the Ram), so that the dimness of Aries might be marked by its brightness, wherever it should be, and that it should form the first letter in the name of Jove [Zeus] (in Greek, Dis)."For MYTHS of Hermes as ...
. . The Greek letters Mercurius [Hermes] is said to have brought to Egypt, and from Egypt Cadmus took them to Greece. Cadmus [not Kadmos but Euandros, son of Hermes and Karmentis] in exile from Arcadia, took them to Italy, and his mother Carmenta changed them to Latin to the number...
and he used the seven vowels in the Greek alphabet to indicate the notes in written form. The Tetractys can be correlated to all seven notes in the scale, and just like the notes, the seven layers can be correlated to the seven planets of the ancient cosmology and to the seven soul cen...
The name ofJesusin Greek has the numerological value 888, three repetitions of the number 8, which is often consideredauspicious. Many people have discerned numerical patterns in the Bible. For example, consider theKing James Version. The phraseOld Testamentconsists of two words, one with three...