He flew to the island but, this time, he had information to bring to the warrior from Zeus. Zeus demanded that Calypso release Odysseus so that he could return home. In the face of demands by the lord of the gods, Calypso agreed and Odysseus was freed. When he got back to his home...
希腊罗马神话欣赏10--Hermes & Dionysus Hermes (Mercury)奔跑的墨丘利 乔万尼·达·博隆纳 1564~1565年青铜 佛罗伦萨国立博物馆墨丘利
"[Odysseus disguised as a beggar speaks :] ‘I must tell you--listen, and mark my words--that by favour of Hermes the Messenger (diaktoros) who gives all men's work what grace it has and what praise it wins, no one alive can match me in common tasks--in laying a fire as it ...
“Ceres I am sorry, but that is exactly what I mean. I traveled below to deliver Plato a message from Ares, when I spotted her. Proserpina is certainly being held in the Underworld.” Ceres broke into sobs at Hermes feet. “Hermes please you have to take me to the Underworld. I ...
He led the dead to the River Styx. ? During the travels of Odysseus, he delivered a message to Calypso to release Odysseus. ? He returned Persephone from the underworld. 冥界之旅? He lead Orpheus (俄耳甫斯) to get his wife Eurydice (欧律狄刻) back. ? Himself an illegitimate offspring of...
should come to his own land again, then let us instruct Hermes the Messenger (diaktoros) Argeiphontes (the Radiant) to go to the island of Ogygia and without delay to tell the Nymphe of the braided tresses [Kalypso] our firm decree that staunch Odysseus is to depart and journey home.’...
hermetic which means sealed and impervious to outside influence. If a message is given to Hermes, it will be delivered faithfully to the intended recipient. His domain includes roads, traffic and markets. In ancient times, a statue indicative of Hermes was placed atop pillars to mark boundaries...
HeledthedeadtotheRiverStyx.DuringthetravelsofOdysseus,hedeliveredamessagetoCalypsotoreleaseOdysseus.HereturnedPersephonefromtheunderworld.HeleadOrpheus(俄耳甫斯)togethiswifeEurydice(欧律狄刻)back.解救宙斯的情人和私生子 如何平息赫拉的怒火?如何平息赫拉的怒火 HimselfanillegitimateoffspringofZeus.HetrickedHerainto...