Measurements of the proton structure function for and from ZEUS 1995 shifted vertex data are presented. From ZEUS data the slopes at fixed x and for at fixed are derived. For the latter, E665 data are also used. The transition region in ... J Breitweg,S Chekanov,M Derrick,... - 《...
Son of Zeus and the nymph Maia, Hermes was a trickster from birth. His role as the messenger of the gods gave him free ingress and egress from the Underworld and the additional duty of leading souls there after they had departed their bodies. Hermes is also said to have invented the lyre...
Hermes appears as the herald of Zeus in many myths.Aeschylus, Agamemnon 513 ff (trans. Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) : "Herald : And the gods gathered here, I greet them all; him, too, my own patron, Hermes, beloved herald (kerykos), of heralds all revered."Aeschylus...
"Hermes was born of Maia, the daughter of Atlas, when she had made with Zeus, - a shy goddess she. Ever she avoided the throng of the blessed gods and lived in a shadowy cave, and there Kronion [Zeus] used to lie with the rich-tressed Nymphe at dead of night, while white-armed...
The only metamorphosis myth in this genre was the obscure tale of his love for the youth Krokos who was transformed into a crocus-flower.(1) DIVINE LOVES (GODDESSES)APHRODITE The goddess of love was seduced by Hermes with the help of Zeus and a stolen sandal. She bore him a son named ...
"Jove [Zeus], Neptunus [Poseidon], and Mercurius [Hermes] came as guests to King Hyrieus in Thrace. Since they were received hospitably by him, they promised him whatever he should ask for. He asked for children. Mercurius [Hermes] brought out the hide of the bull which Hyrieus had ...
KHELONE (Chelone) An Arkadian mountain-nymph (Southern Greece) who ignored Hermes summons to attend the wedding of Zeus and Hera. The god punished the lazy stay-at-home by transforming her into a tortoise.LYDIAN VILLAGES Hermes and Zeus once visited a thousand homes in the hills of Lydia,...
a.The jupiter is a sky amid the number four brilliant body.The jupiter rotates the quickest planet.Call it for 朱 to shield the — the Jupiter in the west, and is a 众 in the myth in Rome the absolute being's king, equal to 宙 in the Greece myth of .( Zeus) The saturn leaves...
Hermes has the power to enter the dreams of mortals ... he is guardian of gates and watcher in the night. The Birth of Hermes Hermes is the Wing-Shod messenger of the Olympian Immortals. He is the beloved son of Zeus and the Nymph, Maia. ...
In ancient Greek mythology, Hermes was the wing-shod messenger of the Olympians, the beloved son of Zeus and of the nymph, Maia. He was committed to numerous responsi- bilities given by Zeus, and the most important one was to serve as a link between two worlds, taking messages from ...