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DJCONTROL INPULSE 300 MK2 $199.99 Wish ListView DJCONTROL MIX - ORANGE EDITION $109.99 Wish ListView DJCONTROL INPULSE 500 $299.99 Wish ListView AFFORDABLE DJ CONTROLLERS AND GEAR FOR LEARNING TO DJ For over 20 years, Hercules DJ Hardware has served beginner DJs in the first step on...
Hercules嗨酷乐 23-06-2 14:42 发布于 中国香港 来自 微博网页版 已编辑 嗨酷乐DJControl Inpulse 300 MK2 新增了对Serato的兼容,带来更多的混音乐趣。 #MixEasy# û收藏 转发 评论 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...捷摩...
轻松上手,成为DJ——DJCONTROL INPULSE 300 23122 02:06 轻松上手,成为DJ——DJCONTROL INPULSE 200 01:07 【新品发布】嗨酷乐Hercules DJControl Inpulse T7,碟盘会自动旋转的DJ控制器。开始黑胶打碟艺术的第一步! 52020 TA的视频166更多 最新发布
千元以内超值新手入门DJ台:嗨酷乐Hercules新款DJControl Mix、Starlight、Inpulse 200 MK2测评, 视频播放量 22556、弹幕量 402、点赞数 1620、投硬币枚数 653、收藏人数 992、转发人数 224, 视频作者 如希电音, 作者简介 做一名爱生活、爱电音、爱蹦迪的好青年~欢迎关注各
Hercules|赫库勒斯-Inpulse 300 MK2 Setup Drivers & Firmware WindowsInstall the optional ASIO driver from https://support.hercules.com/en/product/djcontrolinpulse300mk2-en/If the ASIO driver is not installed, VirtualDJ will use the WASAPI driver in Audio setup, but some functionality may not be ...
hercules djcontrol inpulse 300 用户手册说明书 用户手册
Hercules DJControl Inpulse 300 产品说明书 PRODUCT INFORMATION ©2018Guillemot Corporation S.A.All rights reserved.Hercules®is a registered trademark of Guillemot Corporation S.A.All other trademarks and brand names are hereby acknowledged and are the property of their respective owners.Images and ...
28.10.22 How to Land Your First DJ Gig 27.09.22 Hercules is celebrating 1 year of official music tracks 16.09.22 D-100 >> Top 3 gift ideas for all music lovers 20.06.22 MUSIC DAY! 07.06.22 NAMM 2022 – DJControl Inpulse 300 MK2, compatible with Serato 08.03.22 HERCULES HONOURS...
DJ混音进阶版套装全新上线,让你的DJ梦想一步到位!🎧 Inpulse 300 MK2搭配DJMonitor 42音响和HDP DJ60耳机💥首发价2599元,再领300元优惠券,直接享受2299元惊爆价!想要提升DJ技能,这套高性价比进阶装备帮你轻松实现,从入门到专业一步到位!🎶机会不容错过,赶快下单吧!#打碟机##嗨酷乐 ......