从C-130A开始,美国空军开始将大力神运输机改造为电子侦察机,代号为RC-130电子侦察机,有15架挪用改造。 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:C-130A图片来源:USAF 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议 图片题注:C-130A of the South Vietnam Air Force参考译文:南越空军的 C-130A 运输机图片来源:Pham Quang Khiem 3.1.3 ...
【参考译文】作为军用空运服务的一种临时远程运输机,C-130E型远程运输机于1962年投入使用。该机型本质上属于B型,新的命名是因为在每侧机翼中段安装了1360美制加仑(5100升)的Sargent Fletcher外部油箱,并配备了更强大的艾利森T56-A-7A涡桨发动机。由于外部油箱位于翼展中部,增加了重量,因此副翼的液压增压压力降低回...
This is the biggest RC model plane that I ever build and fly. The wingspan is 3000mm or almost 10ft. Use almost entirely 5mm foam board as the build material. In this video also the first time I made propeller spinners with 3D printer, and make foam wheels and firewall with laser cu...
1952年,洛克希德公司获得了C-130合同,确保了玛丽埃塔工厂的继续运营,尽管当时没有人想到28年后它仍在生产C-130飞机!(公司官员表示,他们将继续生产。公司官员表示,他们会对300架飞机的生产量感到满意)。 1955年3月10日,第一架生产型C-130飞机从玛丽埃塔工厂下线。它在4月7日进行了首次飞行,立即获得了所有观看首次...
TJK Registered User I have a large C-130 semi-kit for sale, including main gear retracts, should anyone be interested; https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/show...1#post45562191 https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/show...IN-RETRACTS%21 Oct...
The Lockheed C-130 Hercules is a four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft designed and built originally by Lockheed (now Lockheed Martin). Capable of using short and unprepared runways for takeoffs and landings, the C-130 was originally designed as a troop, medevac, and cargo transport...
C-130H Hercules (AFRC) Description Asset Details Reviews (1) Very detailed US Air Force Reserve Command C-130H cargo plane. Markings and Proud Gray paint scheme accurately represent the 914th Airlift Wing. Includes separate crew door, paratrooper doors, landing gear, ramp, ramp door, flaps...
Conair Aviation, a Canadian aviation services company, delivered the first MASS unit in 1988. Each unit weighs 8,900 pounds empty and takes up three pallet positions in the C-130. The sixth and final unit arrived at Youngstown in 1992. “These spray systems are the only ones in the world...
Lockheed C-130 Hercules (06-8611) 提交时间:9 年以前 10of 06-86116007ofC13095atLFRC nicolas50 Comments 动态日志 需要06-8611 1998年以来的完整历史搜索吗?现在购买,一小时内即可收到。 日期机型始发地目的地出发到达飞行时间 No Recent History Data ...
I've been in RC for over 35 years. I've bought from HK before. But mostly it's been lipos & other equipment items. This was a bit of a trail run to see what they were like. Plus I just really liked the look of the C-130 they have. Images View all Images in thread ...