1.Herbsforstoppingbleedingbycoolingtheblood 2.Herbsforstoppingbleedingbyresolvingbloodstasis 3.Herbsforstoppingbleedingbyastringency 4.Herbsforstoppingbleedingbywarmingchannels XIIHerbsforpromotingbloodcirculationandresolvingbloodstasis 1.Herbsforpromotingbloodcirculationtostoppain 2.Herbsforpromotingbloodcirculationto...
Environmental toxins are all around you. They can be found in the air you breathe, the food you eat, thewateryou drink, and the products you use. Air pollution, smoke, heavy metals, andmold exposureare all examples of environmental toxins you may be subjected to. Conventional cleaning and ...
It also helps to curb heavy menstrual bleeding associated with endometriosis. For preventative maintenance, Horsetail promotes proper tissue growth and function. Jamaican Dogwood root (Piscidia erythrina): This herb is extremely antispasmodic and analgesic. It reduces muscular pain associated with foreign ...
It can be used for internal obstruction of blood stasis and bleeding that does not return to menstruation. For example, women with metrorrhagia, heavy menstruation, purple color and lumps, and tingling in the lower abdomen. It can be stir-fried and ground into powder as a single flavor and...
’s purse is great for excessive menstrual flows because it possesses astringent and hemostatic properties. Additionally, it is also useful for muscle atrophy and bleeding fibroids treatment. It also helps to tone and fortify the uterine walls. Along with that, it increases the chances to conceive...
In the first century C.E. Greek physician Dioscorides reported that the aqueous decoction of sage stopped bleeding of wounds and cleaned ulcers and sores. He also recommended sage juice in warm water for hoarseness and coughs. Today, new research is emerging showing that sage can help with ...
and astringent herbs to nourish qi and strengthen thoroughfare vessel, stop bleeding and stop leukorrhagia. For instance, it is combined withHuang Qi,Shan Zhu YuandHai Piao Xiaoand so on. For spontaneous sweating due to qi deficiency or night sweat due to yin deficiency, it is often ...
Its medicinal properties are relatively mild, which can not only supplement deficiency but also stop bleeding. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for blood dysentery and diarrhea dysentery. In addition, agrimony can also tonify the weak and strengthen the body...
Some of these herbs, especially those used for detoxification, can include high levels of toxic heavy metals, which can carry serious risks ranging from intellectual disabilities to cancer when given to children. To help avoid these risks, check with your healthcare provider before using them. ...
9. Curcuma angustifolia Gorusat haladhi Rhizome paste is applied to stop bleeding of cattle injured by leech. 10. Curcuma caesia Kola haladhi Fresh rhizome juice mixed with mustard oil is given once daily on empty stomach for 2-3 days for gout. 11. Cynodon dactylon Dubari-ban Plant juice...