Grow your ownbasil from seedby sowing indoors in the early spring, then transplanting outdoors at least two weeks after danger of frost has passed. Basil can also be easilygrown from clippings. To get the most fresh basil leaves from your plants, be sure to remove the flower stalks from m...
Just about every dish tastes better with fresh herbs -- and there's no better way to get fresh herbs than to grow them yourself in an herb garden. From classic herb favorites such as basil, rosemary, mint, and thyme to lesser-known herb varieties, follow
Well, if you've come to the dictionary to settle a heated dispute about what the difference between an herb and a spice is, perhaps the heat has dissipated a bit. The real answer is: it's complicated. Nuance, though, isn't a bad thing. In fact, we think it adds a certain piquancy...
Basil is an annual (except in zones 10 and above) so if you let it go to seed, the plant is pretty much done. However, if you cook with basil as often as I do, keeping it deadheaded isn’t really the problem. Running out of leaves is! Which is why I look for pots that have...
Why You Should Grow Your Own Basil Linoy D-March 8, 2024 Tips Three Great Ways to Elevate a Rice Dish Melanie W-December 14, 2023 Fun Facts The Easiest Herbs to Grow at Home Emily H-September 14, 2021 Healthy When to Use Dried Herbs Vs. Fresh Herbs ...
and anise. It was hung in bunches in stables to repel flies, and girls wore a sprig of basil behind their ear to invite a kiss. Don’t bother to bring in a plant from the garden; it has about a six-month life span and will not live long. Start with a baby plant to grow on ...
In the garden:Good companion to most vegetables and aromatic herbs, like oregano, lavender, and rosemary. Also a good companion tokiwifruitvines. Grows well with:Basil, chives, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, and lavender. In the kitchen:Excellent in almost any fish, poultry, eggs,...
The list of fresh herbs is long. Many of them come in several varieties, colors and fragrances. All add loads of flavor to your meals. Why not try one of these? BasilThis aromatic annual plant is one that I use all the time. You’ll become an expert atgrowing basilwith these easy ...
Plant this window box herb in well-draining soil under good sunlight. The basil plant requires regular pruning and pinching. 2. Lemon Thyme Botanical Name: Thymus citriodorus Lemon thyme is a perennial herb with a citrusy aroma and flavor. Select a window box that is at least 6-8 inches ...
Basil:Use it fresh in pesto and tomato sauce, or dry it, and add it to your spice rack. Basil is sensitive to the cold, so wait to plant your seeds until after the last risk of frost has passed. It's an excellent companion plant for tomatoes. ...