SAGE: Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom. Used in healing sachets & incense. Promotes spiritual, mental, emotional & physical health and longevity. Removes negative energy. Place near a personal object of a person who i...
INGREDIENTS THAT GO WELL WITH LUNCH-DINNER View By: Dosha Herbal Action Biocharacteristics (energetics) Taste System Meal Season Neutral (Tridoshic) Quinoa Reduces Anchovy Egg Yolk Lamb Lobster Reduces Bottle Gourd Carrot Cassava Root / Yuca Jackfruit Oats / Oatmeal Poppy Seed Shrimp Sweet ...
In the kitchen:Use dill seed for pickling and also to add aroma and taste to strong vegetable dishes likecauliflower, onions, cabbage, andturnips. Seeds can be added to casseroles, lamb, fish, and sauces. Use fresh with green beans, potato dishes, cheese, soups, casseroles, meat dishes,...
If you want to avoid having them eat the ferns plant several spots around your space and choose one for them; then, migrate them to that section as they appear and enjoy their beauty. Companions Dill grows well with cucumbers (of course!) along with cabbage plants, corn, asparagus, onions...
Mint that is placed near cabbage will deter white cabbage moth. Sage can be planted near rosemary, cabbage, and carrots, but should be kept away from cucumbers. Ornamental flowers are useful in kitchen gardens as pollinator attractors, weed suppression, or pest control. These include marigold...
meat and fruit salads. It is used with green peas as well as potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. It repels mice, and pennyroyal mint is used to fight fleas. It was for these qualities that it was used as a strewing herb in European castles. It is believed to make the heart merry and ...
Just note that unlike kale or cabbage, arugula gets woody with cold exposure. As a result, it’s not ideal for fresh eating. Add it to soups, stir-fries, egg dishes, or garlicky braised greens. 5. Celeriac If you like the taste of celery, consider growing celeriac root as part of yo...
When using rosemary, it’s important to remember that a little can go a very long way. Also keep in mind that fresh rosemary has a stronger flavor in the summer months and a milder flavor in the winter. Try this fresh seasoning it with anchovies, bacon, beans, beef, bell peppers, cab...
Fennel is a fairly easy going herb but works especially well with seafood, pork, cabbage and beetroot. Did you know?There’s an old wives tale that says if you hang a bunch of fennel above your door on Midsummer’s eve (June 21st – this superstition only applies to the Northern Hemisph...
Calls for the introduction of marketing standards for the following products: broccoli, Chinese cabbage, pot-herbs, spring onions, parsley, radicchio, rhubarb, turnip greens, chives and swede; calls for the extension of the scope of the organisation of the market to include sweet corn and its ...