Liquid Methyl Vitamin B12 Complete LIV-J Liver Balance (Chinese) (100 VegCaps) Liver Balance (Chinese) TCM Concentrate (30 capsules) Liver Cleanse Formula Lobelia Lobelia Essence (2 fl.oz.) LOCLO High Fiber Supplement Love and Peas Vegetable Protein Supplement ...
Vegetables like beet greens, parsley, salad greens, peppers, and fruits like melons, berries, apricots contain vitamin C in huge amounts. The foods which are high in vitamin C generally contain bioflavonoid which is also great for relieving menopause. One of the most lauded things about herbs ...
Hibiscus dried flower petals (Hibiscus sabdariffa): High in vitamin C, which aids iron absorption. Hibiscus is best combined with herbs high in iron. It is also normalizing for blood pressure. Liferoot, dried aerial parts (Senecio aureus): Liferoot is normalizing for the menstrual cycle and as...
Beside berry family fruits, pomegranate is also rich in antioxidant and antibacterial properties, so this fruit helps prevent bacteria against latching onto the bladder wall. Moreover, pomegranate is high in vitamin C that can help in boosting the immune system and fighting off some infections, inc...
For the rose connoisseur, rose hips are particularly high in vitamin C and may contain up to 50 times more of this vitamin than you’d find in an orange. In this post however, I’d like to talk about Nasturtiums. I’ve grown these pretty, eye-catching flowers for many years so they...
Roselle Calyx Lowering blood pressure, anitmicrobial, diuretic, high in vitamin C Skullcap Leaves, stems, flowers Nervine tonic, sedative, anti-spasmodic, used to revivify, calm, and nourish the nervous system Chamomile Flowers Soothing, carminative, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-spasmodic, ...
Amla is highly nutritious and rich in vitamin C, tannins and flavonoids [[16], [17], [18]], alkaloids like Emblicanin A and B, gallic acid, phyllatine, phyllatidine. They act against astringent, dyspepsia, colitis, hemorrhoids, hematuria, hepatoprotective, antiaging, gastroprotective [19],...
Blackberries are high in vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid and manganese as well as being high in antioxidants. Blackberries, including fruit, leaves and roots, have a number of medicinal uses. Raspberry [Rubus idaeus var idaeus (Eurasian), Rubus idaeus var strigosus (American), Rubus occident...
Carrot, a popular fasting food, are high in vitamin A and roughage. Dr. Jensen's favorite fresh juice was carrot, which he said cleaned everything out of his body that should not be there. He sometimes combined carrot juice with raw goat milk from his goat farm in California. Carrots ca...
considered one of the “fine herbs” of French cuisine. Chives are native to Asia but have been used as an additive to food for almost 5,000 years. Chives work well with eggs, fish, potatoes, salads, shellfish, and soups. Chives are an excellent source of beta carotene and Vitamin C....