Created by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as a free public service to promote health freedom and empower consumers with information about the healing power of foods. See and to learn more. Most Common Herbs...
The Lost Herbs, The Healing Power of Backyard Plants at Your Fingertips. The lost Herbs with Nicole Apelian.
LPS is one of the main factors associated with “die-off syndrome” or the “healing crisis” people often encounter when trying to reduce bacteria, yeast, and parasites in their gut. Studies show that the use of Vidanga significantly reduces LPS induced airway inflammation (14). This can be...
Your gut lining is incredibly important for your gut and overall health. If you develop leaky gut lining, it means that large food particles, microbes, and toxins pass from your gut to your bloodstream. This can increase the risk of chronic inflammation, gut inflammation, gut microbiome imbalanc...
4. Healing the Gut with Marshmallow Root: 5. Licorice Root: A Digestive Friend: 6. ANGELICA ROOT, Angelica archangelica:
Publisher Summary Gut health is the most important factor for a healthy life. A large number of people are suffering from gut-associated diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease, and this leads to loss in man-hours and to consequent economic loss. Conditions such...
Anger has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, an emotion I was constantly exposed to through my childhood, which eventually became my reaction too. I have worked on this internal anger in other ways over the years, this was my first healing session from Louise. What...
Optional: 1 to 2 tsp. Eeleuthero powder (again good for healing one’s adrenals and recovering one’s energy/dealing with stress–probably do either Brahmi or Eletheuro, can alternate the two every 6 weeks or so) Then lightly chop veggies and place in blender as you proceed: ...
Cilantro is a healing powerhouse for many reasons. Perhaps the most important, however, is what it can do to help chelate heavy metals. In a report presented by the American Chemical Society, cilantro was shown to be able to significantly remove lead from the body.Other studies have shown th... healing your body the natural wayHow Do Essential Oils Work Stress, Moods - Frankincense Oil Hypertension - Dietry Fat Joint Pain Skin Issues Aulora Pants - Pain Myrrh Oil Copaiba Oil Bi-carb/Baking soda Mycro Nutrients BCC - Ganoderma Toothpaste Gut Health Mental Deteriora...