” says Moreno, an adjunct professor ofnutritionat the University of Miami and a dietitian for the Miami Marlins. “You should be cooking with herbs and spices regularly -- and, if possible, using several at a time
Herbs & Spices Asafoetida (Asafetida): Native to the deserts of Iran and mountains of Afghanistan, asafoetida is a standard component of South Indian and Maharashtrian cuisine. Known for its strong odour that resembles a leek-like scent, this pungent spice is a tasty addition to your next curry...
A sprinkle of cinnamon in your morning coffee. A handful of freshly chopped basil over pasta. You know how herbs and spices can wake up just about any food. But they can also do a lot to keep you well. Here are the health benefits of some of our favorite herbs and spices. Impo...
Unlike spices that quickly traversed the globe through trade, Gary Allen shows that herbs were often hoarded by their cultivators and were central to distinctive regional dishes. He draws on his extensive knowledge of food history to examine herbs in new ways, making Herbs essential reading for ...
*Cinnamon is highly aromatic and one of the best warming herbs/spices there is! Cinnamon stimulates circulation, and is highly anti-inflammatory. It also increases healthy digestive fire, helps an upset stomach, and feelings of nausea. It also lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and helps...
The herb is used as an ingredient in both salads and dressings, having a flavor like cucumber. Learn moreabout how to grow burnet. California bay Can be eaten whole, but bay leaves are pungent and have a sharp, bitter taste. As with many aromatic herbs and spices, the fragrance of the...
cayenne, and lavender are all useful for both culinary and medicinal purposes. So even if you don’t plan on becoming a guru of herbal remedies, go ahead and spice up your cooking. Or expand on your culinary use of herbs and spices by discovering how to take your health into your own ...
Cinnamon has a long history of medicinal use and is one of the world’s most important spices. It is one of the oldest tonic plants in the world. The ancients Theophrastus, Herodotus, Galen, Dioscorides, Pliny, and Strebo all mention it. ...
Do you know about benefits ofspices and herbsin your daily foods? Do you know how herbs and spices are important for cooking delicious meals? For a long time, they have been very highly appreciated, and they are part of numerous ancient traditions, which are usually still practiced today. ...
ginger-cardamom tea has still proven itself an effective natural remedy for reducing high blood pressure. Combined withcinnamonand ginger, both warming spices that can also help in improving blood circulation, you could make a delicious tea that can make your heart healthy. Interestingly enough, bla...