It is used to treat sleep-related issues such as stress, anxiety, headaches, and heart palpitations. Valerian root acts as a sleep aid due to the presence of two naturally occurring sedatives known as valepotriates and sesquiterpenes. Some people dislike Valerian root's strong odor and earthy...
If you take it in high doses it creates feelings of anxiety such as heart palpitations and muscle tremors. When you use caffeine every day it is a constant stimulation and it wears out your nervous system which leaves you feeling anxious and stressed all the time, and prone to fatigue....
The heart and small intestine are the organ system that corresponds with the Fire Element. Most heart problems involve deficiency. The heart in Chinese Medicine refers to Western medicine’s nervous and circulatory system. It is impacted by the constituents (alkaloids and glycosides) commonly found ...
'It is under Mercury, and is alexipharmic, sudorific, and cephalic, and useful in malignant fevers and pestilential distempers; it helps in nervous complaints, headaches, trembling, palpitations of the heart, vapours, etc. It is good in hysteric cases, and epilepsies have been cured by th...
The previously well 63-year-old woman arrived at the emergency department with vomiting, palpitations, and lightheadedness. She had no history of heart problems. A friend had recommended her the herbal drink comfrey (Symphytum officinale) to help ease her insomnia. She had purchased a handful of...
10 Herbs For Diabetes 10 Herbs For Eczema 10 Herbs For Energy 10 Herbs For Fertility 10 Herbs For Fibromyalgia 10 Herbs For Gout 10 Herbs For Hair Growth 7 Herbs For Hair Loss 10 Herbs For Heart Palpitations 10 Herbs For High Blood ...
Having also some slight influence upon the circulation, slowing the heart and increasing its force, it has been used in the treatment of cardiac palpitations. Valerian was first brought to notice as a specific for epilepsy by Fabius Calumna in 1592, he having cured himself of the disease ...
A few drops (up to 25 at a time) will calm emotions, relieve heart palpitations (and strengthen the heart), reduce the severity of hot flashes, increase vaginal lubrication, moderate and eliminate PMS and menstrual cramping. Motherwort vinegar is a fantastic tonic, and tasty, thank goodness. ...
One day after drinking what she thought to be a tea made from borage leaves a 72-year-old woman developed nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, later also flickering in her eyes and palpitations. She was in a good general state with a blood pressure of 120/75 mm Hg and an irregular heart ...
readings as well as in the seriousness of angina[28-29]. In another study where coronary heart disease patients were treated withHerba Epimediiinjection (intramuscular), the patients experienced improvement in ECG readings as well as symptoms such as angina pain, palpitations and shortness of ...